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"Allow myself, to introduce....myself"


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I am a new member to EmuCoach.I stumbled upon the forum researching a few things. I hope this will be my new home for all things WoW-Private Servers.

I was introduced to private servers about a year ago. A friend was telling me about his prv server that he runs for his friends and I thought this would be a cool way for my family to play together.

My history with WoW started a while ago. I joined after the Burning Crusade Expansion. A friend of mine gave me a 10 day trial, I was hooked by the second day. For the most part, I played solo. My wife and I were having a baby and I didn't have the time to invest in a guild. When WOTLK arrived, I had gotten to a point where I could join a guild and play consistently. This was my heaviest gaming - ever. But alas.... life happens. My guild slowly died away and I was back to soloing. Even I started to fade away from the game. Cataclysm came and I tried to have a resurgence -- and while I continued to play, I never got the Deathwing achievement (you know, where the dragonflies overhead and kills you, just because you happen to be in the area). Time again was an enemy and I hardly got to play the game at all -- I could safely say that I may have 20 hours in Cataclysm. MOP arrived, and I tried one more go at the game..... I remember creating a Panda-'toon' but I don't ever recall doing more than that. So here I am.

So last year after my friend told me of his fun, I started to explore private servers. I found a number of Youtube videos and links on "how to quickly setup a wow server in 60 seconds" or something to that effect. Like many, I started out with Jeutie's blizzlike repack and my family and I have been playing on it for the last year (almost). I will admit that I haven't done anything crazy within the game, no mods, no scripts, nothing extra. To my surprise, my wife has been the one who is hooked. My kids and their friends play here or there, but not daily like the wife (ha!).

We have a small guild that consists of my family, a few of our friends, and myself. I suspect that we will have completed everything in Northrend by the EOY. Therefore, I am already starting to explore standing up a Cataclysm server. I've enjoyed the blizzlike experience of the Jeutie's repack, and would like to find something similar for Cata. That research has led me here to EmuCoach.

Here's my todo list so far:
1) Build a new 4.3.4 Cataclysm Server based on TrinityCore.
2) Transfer my characters from the old server to the new.
3) Create a hidden NPC that can allow you to level up by tens.
4) Create a hidden mall.

I'm sure some of what I want to do will be a learning experience for me.

My Private Server Info:
Windows 2019 x64 VM
Jeutie's Blizzlike Repack (based on TrinityCore 3.3.5a) v1.4.1
Portable MySQL 5.6.x

I look forward to exploring this new journey with you all.
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Nice introduction!

Welcome aboard.

I hope you will enjoy your stay, and that you get the learning experience you strive for!