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Ahoy, fellow gamers!


Trial Member
I'm VH, or V, or whatever grabs my attention (I happen to also answer to Drinky McSippySip Esquire, Spanky Yumyum, Happy Slap'n'tickle, Captain Puffpuff of the SS Smokeabowl and The Big Cheese).

I'd been a semi-active member of the emu scene back during Live WotLK (so we were doing BC emulation, yeah, I'm old, it happens) and only got out of emulation because I'd gone back to WoW, but then dropped PC gaming completely for a few years (I caved and bought a couple of consoles, the PC Master Race thinks I'm scum, please don't hate me).

Now, I'm back to emulation because I still love WoW, but I'm still not going back to live servers because I don't like the GAME, I like the STORY. I don't give a shit who has the biggest numbers, I want to see the story play out in the quests in each zone. I'm currently running a World of Warcraft d20 game (in real life) and decided I wanted to be able to tell my players "this is what so and so looks like, and this is what the before-and-after is of Cataclysm, and by the way, we can make *your* character in Warcraft if you guys want."

And that ain't worth $15 and COUNTLESS hours of grinding. I'll just use .item, thank you.

Anyway, I hope I'll be able to contribute in some way. Probably not because the best I'd done was some hacky cut and paste jobs to add a bunch of post-Cata features to a WotLK MaNGOS server and compile, but I can try. Please be gentle.


I collect profile flairs.
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Welcome to the community!

We've got some pretty good resources around here to help with pretty much anything you might need related to WoW Emu's. The Cataclysm repack developed here is also by far the best that I've seen anywhere.
Enjoy browsing around the forums and, if you have any questions, comments, ideas, etc., please put them up! The more contribution to the forums, the better!

( Also, don't hesitate to post in the 'Count to 2,000' thread! It helps add to your activity, and further progress to our arbitrary goal! )

Of course, I'm ( As well as many others ) always here to help out as best I can with whatever arcane or esoteric problems and issues you may encounter! There really is a plethora of support here to get you up and running, so settle in and have fun exploring both EmuCoach and Azeroth!