- 261
- 2015
- 4
- Location
- The mountains, WV, USA
I won't go into why I made this post. I have my reasons, and will leave it at that.... lol
I came from a dirt poor family growing up. The stepchild out of 3 kids all living on an underpaid milkman's budget. (no, the milkman wasn't my father, and didn't steal my mom, so spare me the joke! lol
) I quit school about 14 to work. There were NO computers, NO cell phones. The first computer 1 I saw was in the army many years later. A Commodore. The only game I ever really played RPG was pre console pre computer. My younger brother had a D&D game on paper he asked me to play 1 time. It is also where my nickname here started Methusalem... lol Simply defined? I was "poor, and dumb as a rock". I had 3 good things going for me though. I was brought up: [1] To respect, and try to help others, to be honest to myself, and others, and to mind my own business, not everyone else's: [2] I LOVED to read books, so this "dumb rock" learned a lot of things in my lifetime: [3] Work hard, earn what you get, and be grateful you got it. MANY, DO NOT! This is who I was.
This is who I am today: The same as above. Except I got sick, my health is failing, losing my vision too much to read books, comprehending things not "hands on" is getting to be a pain in my arse, I am grouchy, ugly, older, and STUBBORN AS HELL! lol
I started messing with games, and computers, and "being the kid I never got to be" was when I lost my health. Not being able to work embarressed me, was driving me insane, and I was BORED! So, I started playing. Being a kid has taught me new things. lol
I have gotten serveral types of repacks, and server to work on my Hamachi, and even had others play with them a bit. Eudemons, minecraft, warcraft, OpenSims (my own) "not a rented world", etc. All were seat-of-the-pants amateur trial-and-error guesswork/accidental discoveries/mega hours of random searching learned. The first wow repack ever was my first attempt ever at anything not gameplaying-only related (first server I ever made as well). I knew NOTHING/NO ONE. No community, period. I took me several hundred pain meds, and over a year! lol (not a drug abuser) I have chronic pain.
I have also FORGOTTEN how I got some of those to work after not using them for extended periods. When my health would decide to kick my arse for long bouts, and have to re-relearn stuff often. The phrase, "You don't use it, you lose it." applies to MANY parts, of your.... ummm life? lol
So I know a LITTLE about a WHOLE LOT of random THINGS learned by accident. I am an educated dumbarse, ok? But I am a VERY HONEST, STUBBORN, COMMON SENSED, DUMBARSE, that respects others, and expects the same.
Don't be surprised if I say I fixed things on my server, but can't add for example a script? I learned whatever I learned by trial, and error myself. My knowledge is full of swiss cheesed holes, and much I do? I can't even explain? lol :x But don't assume I am stupid, and ask me to do something disrespectful, dishonest, or simply stupid either. I am a "dumb as a rock", SELF EDUCATED, knowledgable dumbarse, that has a LOT, or HARD KNOCKS education common sense, ok? Just keep this in mind before messaging me, or commenting to me.
I'll help yah out if I can glady. As long as it is HONEST, and FRIENDLY, and I am not too sick to think! I know I stay sick a lot, and have little to offer in the way of help. But I'll give it if I can. There are a GREAT group of folks here. Thanks to ALL OF YOU for any efforts, or work, or help you have given, us, and/or this team. And obviously a GREAT DEV TEAM. lol
Great community, Rockin repacks! 
Sincerely, Johnny (Methusalem)
I came from a dirt poor family growing up. The stepchild out of 3 kids all living on an underpaid milkman's budget. (no, the milkman wasn't my father, and didn't steal my mom, so spare me the joke! lol
This is who I am today: The same as above. Except I got sick, my health is failing, losing my vision too much to read books, comprehending things not "hands on" is getting to be a pain in my arse, I am grouchy, ugly, older, and STUBBORN AS HELL! lol
I started messing with games, and computers, and "being the kid I never got to be" was when I lost my health. Not being able to work embarressed me, was driving me insane, and I was BORED! So, I started playing. Being a kid has taught me new things. lol
I have gotten serveral types of repacks, and server to work on my Hamachi, and even had others play with them a bit. Eudemons, minecraft, warcraft, OpenSims (my own) "not a rented world", etc. All were seat-of-the-pants amateur trial-and-error guesswork/accidental discoveries/mega hours of random searching learned. The first wow repack ever was my first attempt ever at anything not gameplaying-only related (first server I ever made as well). I knew NOTHING/NO ONE. No community, period. I took me several hundred pain meds, and over a year! lol (not a drug abuser) I have chronic pain.
I have also FORGOTTEN how I got some of those to work after not using them for extended periods. When my health would decide to kick my arse for long bouts, and have to re-relearn stuff often. The phrase, "You don't use it, you lose it." applies to MANY parts, of your.... ummm life? lol
So I know a LITTLE about a WHOLE LOT of random THINGS learned by accident. I am an educated dumbarse, ok? But I am a VERY HONEST, STUBBORN, COMMON SENSED, DUMBARSE, that respects others, and expects the same.
Don't be surprised if I say I fixed things on my server, but can't add for example a script? I learned whatever I learned by trial, and error myself. My knowledge is full of swiss cheesed holes, and much I do? I can't even explain? lol :x But don't assume I am stupid, and ask me to do something disrespectful, dishonest, or simply stupid either. I am a "dumb as a rock", SELF EDUCATED, knowledgable dumbarse, that has a LOT, or HARD KNOCKS education common sense, ok? Just keep this in mind before messaging me, or commenting to me.
I'll help yah out if I can glady. As long as it is HONEST, and FRIENDLY, and I am not too sick to think! I know I stay sick a lot, and have little to offer in the way of help. But I'll give it if I can. There are a GREAT group of folks here. Thanks to ALL OF YOU for any efforts, or work, or help you have given, us, and/or this team. And obviously a GREAT DEV TEAM. lol
Sincerely, Johnny (Methusalem)
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