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A little about me. PLEASE read this before asking me anything. Add me if you want. :)


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Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I won't go into why I made this post. I have my reasons, and will leave it at that.... lol

I came from a dirt poor family growing up. The stepchild out of 3 kids all living on an underpaid milkman's budget. (no, the milkman wasn't my father, and didn't steal my mom, so spare me the joke! lol :p) I quit school about 14 to work. There were NO computers, NO cell phones. The first computer 1 I saw was in the army many years later. A Commodore. The only game I ever really played RPG was pre console pre computer. My younger brother had a D&D game on paper he asked me to play 1 time. It is also where my nickname here started Methusalem... lol Simply defined? I was "poor, and dumb as a rock". I had 3 good things going for me though. I was brought up: [1] To respect, and try to help others, to be honest to myself, and others, and to mind my own business, not everyone else's: [2] I LOVED to read books, so this "dumb rock" learned a lot of things in my lifetime: [3] Work hard, earn what you get, and be grateful you got it. MANY, DO NOT! This is who I was.

This is who I am today: The same as above. Except I got sick, my health is failing, losing my vision too much to read books, comprehending things not "hands on" is getting to be a pain in my arse, I am grouchy, ugly, older, and STUBBORN AS HELL! lol :p

I started messing with games, and computers, and "being the kid I never got to be" was when I lost my health. Not being able to work embarressed me, was driving me insane, and I was BORED! So, I started playing. Being a kid has taught me new things. lol :p

I have gotten serveral types of repacks, and server to work on my Hamachi, and even had others play with them a bit. Eudemons, minecraft, warcraft, OpenSims (my own) "not a rented world", etc. All were seat-of-the-pants amateur trial-and-error guesswork/accidental discoveries/mega hours of random searching learned. The first wow repack ever was my first attempt ever at anything not gameplaying-only related (first server I ever made as well). I knew NOTHING/NO ONE. No community, period. I took me several hundred pain meds, and over a year! lol (not a drug abuser) I have chronic pain. :p lol

I have also FORGOTTEN how I got some of those to work after not using them for extended periods. When my health would decide to kick my arse for long bouts, and have to re-relearn stuff often. The phrase, "You don't use it, you lose it." applies to MANY parts, of your.... ummm life? lol :D

So I know a LITTLE about a WHOLE LOT of random THINGS learned by accident. I am an educated dumbarse, ok? But I am a VERY HONEST, STUBBORN, COMMON SENSED, DUMBARSE, that respects others, and expects the same.

Don't be surprised if I say I fixed things on my server, but can't add for example a script? I learned whatever I learned by trial, and error myself. My knowledge is full of swiss cheesed holes, and much I do? I can't even explain? lol :x But don't assume I am stupid, and ask me to do something disrespectful, dishonest, or simply stupid either. I am a "dumb as a rock", SELF EDUCATED, knowledgable dumbarse, that has a LOT, or HARD KNOCKS education common sense, ok? Just keep this in mind before messaging me, or commenting to me. ;)

I'll help yah out if I can glady. As long as it is HONEST, and FRIENDLY, and I am not too sick to think! I know I stay sick a lot, and have little to offer in the way of help. But I'll give it if I can. There are a GREAT group of folks here. Thanks to ALL OF YOU for any efforts, or work, or help you have given, us, and/or this team. And obviously a GREAT DEV TEAM. lol :D Great community, Rockin repacks! :)

Sincerely, Johnny (Methusalem) :cool:
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Gold Supporter
Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
I wouldn't rate you as dumb. Someone that doesn't try in any way is what i would call dumb. It takes a lot of logical thinking to understand and setup one of these servers, Even if it's a repack.
I grew up half in Detroit, And the other half on Black Mountain in Kentucky. There was no telephone, Or tv, Satellite dishes weren't available yet. Even today there is no cable tv there. And the internet was still just an arpanet fantasy. Hillbillies have a tendency to throw their garbage over the side of the hill, Since there is no garbage service that far into the hills. This included tv's, radios, cb radios, vcr's once they became available. And literally anything else that they could waste their coal mine money on. And since I never had more than a dollar or two in my pocket at any given time, I decided that I would start scavenging things that might possibly be fixable. The public library in town was useless, It had nothing about electronics from the 1970's, And only covered things with vacuum tubes. So I learned what i could. Then i found out radio shack was in town, And they had little booklets that explained the current state of the art. And even sold electronic components. That was it, I finally found some kind of entertainment that didn't involve hunting with hillbillies. After that it was a matter of weeks before i had strung up a gigantic antenna in the tree tops, And was recieving four channels on our previously unused tv. I started boosting the signal of our walkie talkies to the point that we could talk to people twenty miles away. Which is hard to do with a mountain in the way. Vcr's came out, And i fixed one the first year, And started renting tapes in town. That was my first introduction to just how bad movies really were. And I scavenged enough parts to build one entire wall of my bedroom into a giant home stereo, With flashing lights, Meters ect, Costing exactly nothing. And eventually i even added a voice module so it could speak. Not that it made much sense. It was long before i started picking up nick names. Frankenstein, Little Hitler, And numerous others. Because I wasn't above experimenting with electricity and road kill. I even started building big rockets, Which almost killed me when i built a hydrogen rocket, And I didn't try that twice.
I have no education to thank for any of these things, Our entire school was geared towards preparing you to take the coal mine entrance exam, They taught nothing that was useful. Most of what I learn even today comes from trial and error. But thanks to the internet there is a lot to read now that we wouldn't have had decades ago. So it saves me a lot of time. I even managed to get myself a college degree, Even though I had no idea that college was supposed to be special. So when people look over their glasses at me, And ask. You have a degree from M.I.T. ? I just say, Yeah it's a school in Boston. So if a guy that moved from the war zone of Detroit, Into the intellectual wasteland of Kentucky can learn things, So can anyone else.


Nice to know more about you, Methusalem! I'm glad to hear you enjoy it around here, your kind words are very appreciated!


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I wouldn't rate you as dumb. Someone that doesn't try in any way is what i would call dumb. It takes a lot of logical thinking to understand and setup one of these servers, Even if it's a repack.
I grew up half in Detroit, And the other half on Black Mountain in Kentucky. There was no telephone, Or tv, Satellite dishes weren't available yet. Even today there is no cable tv there. And the internet was still just an arpanet fantasy. Hillbillies have a tendency to throw their garbage over the side of the hill, Since there is no garbage service that far into the hills. This included tv's, radios, cb radios, vcr's once they became available. And literally anything else that they could waste their coal mine money on. And since I never had more than a dollar or two in my pocket at any given time, I decided that I would start scavenging things that might possibly be fixable. The public library in town was useless, It had nothing about electronics from the 1970's, And only covered things with vacuum tubes. So I learned what i could. Then i found out radio shack was in town, And they had little booklets that explained the current state of the art. And even sold electronic components. That was it, I finally found some kind of entertainment that didn't involve hunting with hillbillies. After that it was a matter of weeks before i had strung up a gigantic antenna in the tree tops, And was recieving four channels on our previously unused tv. I started boosting the signal of our walkie talkies to the point that we could talk to people twenty miles away. Which is hard to do with a mountain in the way. Vcr's came out, And i fixed one the first year, And started renting tapes in town. That was my first introduction to just how bad movies really were. And I scavenged enough parts to build one entire wall of my bedroom into a giant home stereo, With flashing lights, Meters ect, Costing exactly nothing. And eventually i even added a voice module so it could speak. Not that it made much sense. It was long before i started picking up nick names. Frankenstein, Little Hitler, And numerous others. Because I wasn't above experimenting with electricity and road kill. I even started building big rockets, Which almost killed me when i built a hydrogen rocket, And I didn't try that twice.
I have no education to thank for any of these things, Our entire school was geared towards preparing you to take the coal mine entrance exam, They taught nothing that was useful. Most of what I learn even today comes from trial and error. But thanks to the internet there is a lot to read now that we wouldn't have had decades ago. So it saves me a lot of time. I even managed to get myself a college degree, Even though I had no idea that college was supposed to be special. So when people look over their glasses at me, And ask. You have a degree from M.I.T. ? I just say, Yeah it's a school in Boston. So if a guy that moved from the war zone of Detroit, Into the intellectual wasteland of Kentucky can learn things, So can anyone else.

I meant to reply to this long ago, but like many things a COG slipped in my brain, and it didn't happen.... lol I admire how far you have came, and envy your knowledge, but not in a bad way. I truly am finding it very hard to learn stuff now, and just wish my mind absorbed knowledge like yours does still. You help them A LOT here, and I am sure ExO is very glad to have you on board. Thank you. Thank everyone for their hard work. Thank ExO for starting this site, all the many repacks, and for the MANY dedicated team members he has accumulated here who share so many helpful thing, tutorials, and repacks. :)


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I wouldn't rate you as dumb. Someone that doesn't try in any way is what i would call dumb. It takes a lot of logical thinking to understand and setup one of these servers, Even if it's a repack.
I grew up half in Detroit, And the other half on Black Mountain in Kentucky. There was no telephone, Or tv, Satellite dishes weren't available yet. Even today there is no cable tv there. And the internet was still just an arpanet fantasy. Hillbillies have a tendency to throw their garbage over the side of the hill, Since there is no garbage service that far into the hills. This included tv's, radios, cb radios, vcr's once they became available. And literally anything else that they could waste their coal mine money on. And since I never had more than a dollar or two in my pocket at any given time, I decided that I would start scavenging things that might possibly be fixable. The public library in town was useless, It had nothing about electronics from the 1970's, And only covered things with vacuum tubes. So I learned what i could. Then i found out radio shack was in town, And they had little booklets that explained the current state of the art. And even sold electronic components. That was it, I finally found some kind of entertainment that didn't involve hunting with hillbillies. After that it was a matter of weeks before i had strung up a gigantic antenna in the tree tops, And was recieving four channels on our previously unused tv. I started boosting the signal of our walkie talkies to the point that we could talk to people twenty miles away. Which is hard to do with a mountain in the way. Vcr's came out, And i fixed one the first year, And started renting tapes in town. That was my first introduction to just how bad movies really were. And I scavenged enough parts to build one entire wall of my bedroom into a giant home stereo, With flashing lights, Meters ect, Costing exactly nothing. And eventually i even added a voice module so it could speak. Not that it made much sense. It was long before i started picking up nick names. Frankenstein, Little Hitler, And numerous others. Because I wasn't above experimenting with electricity and road kill. I even started building big rockets, Which almost killed me when i built a hydrogen rocket, And I didn't try that twice.
I have no education to thank for any of these things, Our entire school was geared towards preparing you to take the coal mine entrance exam, They taught nothing that was useful. Most of what I learn even today comes from trial and error. But thanks to the internet there is a lot to read now that we wouldn't have had decades ago. So it saves me a lot of time. I even managed to get myself a college degree, Even though I had no idea that college was supposed to be special. So when people look over their glasses at me, And ask. You have a degree from M.I.T. ? I just say, Yeah it's a school in Boston. So if a guy that moved from the war zone of Detroit, Into the intellectual wasteland of Kentucky can learn things, So can anyone else.
I know this was long ago. Rarely get online anymore. Life kinda got in the way, several hospital stays, a few deaths, a coma, and an amputation. Good thing I'm a stubborn old goat I reckon. haha xD I wanted to say I respect, and admire your grit. You have had an uphill battle to. Pretty amazing everything you have achieved my friend. :)