GGBefore I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:
This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)
Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X
If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))
If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here
This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.
After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.
Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !
some pics:
Features included:
Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.
Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.
Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.
Enjoy, post feedbacks.
[Hidden content]
File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel
aTBefore I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:
This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)
Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X
If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))
If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here
This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.
After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.
Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !
some pics:
Features included:
Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.
Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.
Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.
Enjoy, post feedbacks.
[Hidden content]
File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel
Thanks a lot!Before I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:
This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)
Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X
If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))
If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here
This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.
After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.
Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !
some pics:
Features included:
Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.
Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.
Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.
Enjoy, post feedbacks.
[Hidden content]
File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel
noiceBefore I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:
This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)
Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X
If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))
If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here
This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.
After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.
Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !
some pics:
Features included:
Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.
Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.
Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.
Enjoy, post feedbacks.
[Hidden content]
File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel
Zanim przejdę dalej, chciałbym powiedzieć, że jest to całkowite udostępnienie:
Ten udział to działający hack, który działa na prywatnych serwerach 5.4.x/5.4.8, a niektóre z nich mogą nawet działać w handlu detalicznym. (Bądź jednak ostrożny)
Wow panel administracyjny dla Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X
Jeśli grasz w patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Kliknij tutaj (Panel administracyjny WoW (obsługuje 3.3.5a))
Jeśli grasz w patch 5.4.8 (tylko serwery prywatne): Kliknij tutaj
Ten trener jest przeznaczony tylko dla łatek 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 i jest przeznaczony do użytku na prywatnych serwerach.
Po pobraniu wersji beta przez ponad 1000 unikalnych użytkowników, udostępniam pełną wersję.
ta wersja zawiera jeszcze więcej funkcji niż wersja beta.
Uwaga: Ten trener jest przeznaczony tylko dla serwerów prywatnych, obsługujących emulowane 5.4.0 do 5.4.2: Nie idź z tym do sprzedaży detalicznej!
kilka fotek:
Szybkość Hack
Latać Hack
Pływanie Hack
Brak grawitacji
Chodzić po wodzie
Spacer pod wodą
Wspinaczka górska
Bez upadków
Proste kliknięcie, aby teleportować
Ruch XYZ
Śledzenie radaru myśliwego
Śledzenie zasobów radarowych
Lista ponad 2100 lokalizacji teleportów.
+150 miejsc teleportacji na Mop Tutorial-Island
Dozwolone przypisanie klawiatury do wszystkich hacków i teleportacji.
Obecnie niewykryty w MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan itp.
Zauważ, druidzi mogą napotkać drobny problem, gdy twoja postać zginie, kody mogą przestać działać - po prostu zrestartuj WoW i powinno to zostać rozwiązane.
następna wersja będzie miała ten problem naprawiony.
Ciesz się, publikuj informacje zwrotne.
[Ukryta zawartość]
Rozmiar pliku: 1,1 MB
Wersja: 1.0.5
Dla poprawki: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Dziennik sprawdzania pliku Virustotal: plik jest czysty ( 0/54)
Strona internetowa: wow-admin-panel