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[5.4.x/5.4.8 Hack] WoW Admin Panel -- MOP


Trial Member
Before I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:

This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)

Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))

If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here

This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.

After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.

Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !

some pics:



Features included:

Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.

Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.


Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.

Enjoy, post feedbacks.

[Hidden content]

File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel


Trial Member
Before I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:

This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)

Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))

If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here

This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.

After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.

Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !

some pics:



Features included:

Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.

Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.


Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.

Enjoy, post feedbacks.

[Hidden content]

File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel


Trial Member
Antes de continuar, gostaria de dizer que este é um compartilhamento completo:

Esse compartilhamento é um hack funcional que funciona para servidores privados 5.4.x/5.4.8, E alguns deles podem até funcionar no varejo. (Tenha cuidado embora)

Painel Administrativo Wow para Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

Se você estiver jogando o patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Clique aqui (WoW Admin Panel (suporta 3.3.5a))

Se você estiver jogando o patch 5.4.8 (somente servidores privados): Clique aqui

Este treinador é apenas para o patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 e deve ser usado em servidores privados.

Depois que a versão beta foi baixada por mais de 1.000 usuários únicos, estou lançando a versão completa.
esta versão contém ainda mais recursos do que a versão beta.

Aviso: Este treinador é apenas para servidores privados, suportando 5.4.0 a 5.4.2 emulados: Não vá para o varejo com isso!

algumas fotos:



Recursos incluídos:

boxe múltiplo
Corte de velocidade
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
Nenhuma gravidade
Andar na água
andar debaixo d'água
Escalada de montanha
sem cair
Simples clique para teletransportar
Movimento XYZ
Rastreamento de radar Hunter
Rastreamento de radar de recursos
uma lista de mais de 2.100 locais de teletransporte.
+150 locais de teletransporte do Tutorial do Mop-Island
Teclado permitido vinculando todos os hacks e teletransportes.

Atualmente não detectado em MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, etc.


Observe, druidas, pode haver um problema menor, quando seu personagem morre, os truques podem parar de funcionar - basta reiniciar o WoW e isso deve ser resolvido.
a próxima versão terá esse problema corrigido.

Aproveite, poste feedbacks.

[Conteúdo oculto]

Tamanho do arquivo: 1,1 MB
Versão: 1.0.5
Para Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Log de verificação de arquivo Virustotal: Arquivo está limpo (0/54)
Site: wow-admin-panel
Go check


Trial Member

Before I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:

This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)

Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))

If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here

This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.

After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.

Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !

some pics:



Features included:

Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.

Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.


Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.

Enjoy, post feedbacks.

[Hidden content]

File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel
not work :(


Trial Member
Before I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:

This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)

Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))

If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here

This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.

After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.

Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !

some pics:



Features included:

Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.

Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.


Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.

Enjoy, post feedbacks.

[Hidden content]

File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel


Trial Member
Before I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:

This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)

Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))

If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here

This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.

After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.

Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !

some pics:



Features included:

Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.

Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.


Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.

Enjoy, post feedbacks.

[Hidden content]

File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel
awsome thanks


Verified Member
Before I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:

This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)

Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))

If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here

This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.

After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.

Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !

some pics:



Features included:

Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.

Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.


Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.

Enjoy, post feedbacks.

[Hidden content]

File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel


Trial Member
Before I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:

This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)

Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))

If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here

This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.

After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.

Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !

some pics:



Features included:

Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.

Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.


Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.

Enjoy, post feedbacks.

[Hidden content]

File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel


Verified Member
Before I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:

This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)

Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))

If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here

This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.

After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.

Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !

some pics:



Features included:

Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.

Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.


Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.

Enjoy, post feedbacks.

[Hidden content]

File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel


Verified Member
Before I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:

This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)

Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))

If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here

This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.

After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.

Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !

some pics:



Features included:

Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.

Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.


Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.

Enjoy, post feedbacks.

[Hidden content]

File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel