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[5.4.x/5.4.8 Hack] WoW Admin Panel -- MOP


Trial Member
Antes de continuar, me gustaría decir que esto se comparte completamente:

Este recurso compartido es un truco que funciona para servidores privados 5.4.x/5.4.8, Y algunos de ellos pueden incluso funcionar en tiendas minoristas. (Aunque ten cuidado)

Panel de administración de Wow para Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

Si estás jugando al parche 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5, haz clic aquí (Panel de administración de WoW (compatible con 3.3.5a))

Si estás jugando al parche 5.4.8 (solo servidores privados): haz clic aquí

Este entrenador es solo para el parche 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 y está diseñado para usarse en servidores privados.

Después de que más de 1000 usuarios únicos hayan descargado la versión beta, lanzaré la versión completa.
esta versión contiene incluso más funciones que la versión beta.

Aviso: este entrenador es solo para servidores privados y admite versiones emuladas de 5.4.0 a 5.4.2: ¡no venda esto al por menor!

algunas fotos:



Características incluidas:

Truco velocidad
Truco para volar
Truco de natación
Sin gravedad
caminar sobre el agua
caminar bajo el agua
Escalada de montaña
Sin caídas
Sencillo clic para teletransportarse
Movimiento XYZ
Seguimiento por radar de cazador
Seguimiento por radar de recursos
una lista de más de 2100 ubicaciones de teletransporte.
+150 ubicaciones de teletransporte de Mop Tutorial-Island
Teclado permitido que vincula todos los hacks y teletransportes.

Actualmente no detectado en MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, etc.


Aviso, druidas, es posible que experimentéis un problema menor: cuando vuestro personaje muera, los trucos pueden dejar de funcionar; simplemente reiniciad WoW y se solucionará.
La próxima versión solucionará este problema.

Disfrute, publique comentarios.

[Contenido oculto]

Tamaño del archivo: 1,1 MB
Versión: 1.0.5
Para parche: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Registro de verificación de archivos de Virustotal: el archivo está limpio (0/54)
Sitio web: wow-admin-panel
Probaré que tal, gracias


Trial Member
Before I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:

This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)

Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))

If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here

This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.

After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.

Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !

some pics:



Features included:

Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.

Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.


Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.

Enjoy, post feedbacks.

[Hidden content]

File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel
I cant download


Trial Member
Before I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:

This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)

Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))

If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here

This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.

After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.

Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !

some pics:



Features included:

Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.

Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.


Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.

Enjoy, post feedbacks.

[Hidden content]

File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel


Trial Member
Before I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:

This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)

Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))

If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here

This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.

After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.

Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !

some pics:



Features included:

Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.

Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.


Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.

Enjoy, post feedbacks.

[Hidden content]

File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel


Trial Member
Before I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:

This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)

Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))

If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here

This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.

After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.

Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !

some pics:



Features included:

Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.

Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.


Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.

Enjoy, post feedbacks.

[Hidden content]

File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel


Trial Member
anything f
Before I go on, I would like to say this is a completly reshare:

This share is a working hack that works for 5.4.x/5.4.8 private servers, AND some of these may even work on retail. (Be careful though)

Wow Admin Panel for Mists of Pandaria 5.4.X

If you're playing patch 2.4.3 \ 3.3.5a \ 4.3.4 \ 5.0.5 Click Here (WoW Admin Panel (supports 3.3.5a))

If you're playing patch 5.4.8 (Private servers Only): Click Here

This trainer is for patch 5.4.0 - 5.4.2 only and meant to be used on private servers.

After beta version has been downloaded by 1,000+ unique users, i'm releasing the full version.
this version contains even more features than the beta version did.

Notice: This trainer is for private servers only, supporting emulated 5.4.0 to 5.4.2 : Do not go retail with this !

some pics:



Features included:

Speed Hack
Fly Hack
Swim Hack
No Gravity
Walk On Water
Walk Under Water
Mountain Climbing
No Falling
Simple Click-To-Teleport
XYZ Moving
Hunter radar tracking
Resources radar tracking
a List of over 2,100 teleport locations.
+150 Mop Tutorial-Island teleport locations
Allowed keyboard binding all hacks and teleports.

Currently undetected on MoltenWow, PandaWow, Pandashan, Etc.


Notice, druids, may experience a minor issue, when your character dies, cheats may stop working - simply restart WoW and it should be solved.
next version will have this issue fixed.

Enjoy, post feedbacks.

[Hidden content]

File Size: 1.1MB
Version: 1.0.5
For Patch: 5.4.0 - 5.4.2
Virustotal file check-log: File Is Clean ( 0/54 )
Website: wow-admin-panel
awesome, is there anything like this for vanilla?