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[5.4.8] Instant 90 PvP - Mists of Pandaria - [Outdated EmuCoach Repack]

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Trial Member
The server is missing most of the creatures, items and objects. Nearely everything is missing.
is that normal? :confused:


Verified Member
Hiya folks. The server is crashing for me as well. It seems all the maps are not included in the zip. Here is a screenie of the console error message. I have all files downloaded from here and placed exactly as directed (data folder and all).



Verified Member
I solved this problem by re-downloading the maps file. Seems the first run was corrupted. But, I thought I'd mention, the worldserver.conf file has a duplicate set of settings contained within. At line #2975, the configuration settings start over again with a duplicate of all settings above it. The world server takes the second set of settings. So if you change anything above, it doesn't affect the server's settings since it seems to read the second set into memory.

I re-downloaded the file a second time from your host location to verify it wasn't corrupt, and the duplicate entry is still there.


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It works very nicely, but there's a problem with damage in PvP. It's waaaaay too low. I'm hitting a max of 30k crits on an arms warrior full burst, but on the priest I'm testing this on, I can flash heal for 83k with no CD's. My guess is that the damage is a core problem, PvP power is most likely bugged.


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A list of bugs I've found so far with the help of a few friends.

Nothing shows up in the item_template part of the database.
PvP - The 2 set bouns from the PvP trinkets provides too much of a damage reduction resulting in low PvP damage.
Battle Fatigue - Doesn't apply when in PvP combat.
Macros - Mouseover, Party, Arena, and Focus macros do not work. Instead of using ability at said target, gives an error saying "Invalid target"
Spirit of Conquest - Doesn't give a proc at all. Should give a proc that is the same as Jade Spirit.
Cooldowns - Sometimes after logging in, cooldowns are on a '6 days' cooldown.


Judgement - Not regening mana for ret/holy/prot.

Exorcism - Not Generateing holy power on use (even with the proc).

Holy Avenger(Talent) - Not Generateing 3 holy power when used with Crusader strike for all 3 specs.

Still testing paladin's.

Berserker rage - Not enrageing the warrior. (Important for fury/arms).

Bloodthirst(fury) - Crit chance seem's to low (Tested with Heroic warforged gear full crit gems).

Spell Reflect - Spell Visual the same as Shield Wall.

Second Wind - Requiers you to unlean and relearn the talent for it to work.

Fury Spec - Switching stances unequips your offhand weapon.

Safeguard - Should remove all movement impairing effects including roots and snares, doesn't break roots.

Deep Wounds - Only procs off of Thunder Clap, should proc off of Mortal Strike and auto attacks.

Glyph of Rude Interruption - Bugged, using Hamstring applies the buff, the buff should only be applied when successfully interrupting a spellcast.

Enery - Energy regen is really slow, taking Ascension increases it -slightly- but not alot still feels increaseingly slow.

Wind Walker spec - Reloging coruses the monk unable to move forward but can move back, left, right And can still use abilitys.

Firsts of Fury - Animation is just buggy lol.

Chi Brew - Not giving the monk Tiger's eye brew stacks.

Haunt - Heal's the target you use it on for -2billion, can be fixed by remaking char.

Malefic Grasp - Animation is buggy, your char just looks like he/she is recasting it exremely quickly.

Affliction DoT's - Seem to be eally...Really low only ticking for 6k (tested in full heroic warforged)

Desruction Spec - Burning Embers appear half full for all 4 when you have none.

Chaotic Energy(destro) - Mana regen does not work.

Backdraft(destro) - useing spells does not consume charges instead it refreshes charges.

Grimoire of Supremacy(Talent) - does not change your pet.

Archimond's Darkness(talent) - Just reduces the cooldown on Dark Soul to 20 seconds instead of giving it 2 charges.

Symbiosis - Gives a spellcast and also gives a visual, does not learn spells for either person affected.

Stampede (Feral 4-set) - Using Ravage does not consume the Stampede buff. Cancelling the effect causes it to come right back.

Feral damage - Ferals damage seems too low, bleeds only tick for 5-15k, should be 10-15k for Rake, 20-30k for Rip

Mangle - Ferals learn the wrong mangle ability.

Ferocious Bite - Hits way too low, 5-combo points hit for nearly 1k.

Predatory Swiftness - (Feral Passive) Does not consume the buff, only makes Healing Touch, Entangling Roots, Rebirth, and Hibernate instant cast for 7 seconds.

Skull Bash - Does not work at all, assuming the game gives the wrong one.

Druids are still being tested.

Vanish - Does not work at all.

Eviscerate - Same issue as Ferocious Bite, does not do enough damage. 5 combo points hits for 2k.

Envenom - Also the same issue as Eviscerate, however hits for about 10k with 5 combo points.

Preparation - Doesn't give back Evasion after using.

Subterfuge - Doesn't work.

Smoke Bomb - Places the graphic on the ground, but doesn't make people out of sight to others outside of it.

Paralytic Poison - After 4 stacks are applied, it's supposed to stun the target for 4 seconds, but it doesn't. The shiv effect works, which roots the target for 4 seconds.

Rogues are still being tested.
Death Knight

Raise Dead - Does not work.

Runes - The runes may appear to be up, but they aren't. Have to wait for more to regenerate before using some abilities.

Runic Corruption - Gives way too much haste. Instead of cutting rune speed in half, it makes the rune speed barely over 1 second.

Death Knights are still being tested.

Arcane Brilliance - Says "Invalid Target" upon use.

Frozen Orb (Frost) - Supposed to send the frozen orb moving, instead places it on the ground and it follows the enemy target.

Water Elemental - Does not have enough mana, can't use his 'Freeze' ability. Pet should have 300k mana.

Fingers of Frost - Never procs, Frozen Orb is supposed to instantly give 1 charge, but it doesn't.

Mages are still being tested.
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Verified Member
It seems there are some of us that bumped in this annoying issue, there are several facts which causes the worldserv and auth to crash, mine for instant won't even connect to the mysql... I've redownloaded the server but still same issue... Running Mysql under administration rights won't let it open, as under propriety "Run as Administrator" is greyed out.
I extracted the archive with winzip...directly in the server folder where they need to go. i have the same folder structure of the server as the guide shows
got NetFramework 4.5, latest dx (although i don't know if that has any importance)
What i saw in the MySQL window is that there are several events that try to load and at the end it has 0 events loaded... would that be the cause?


Trial Member
Hi! May you make a video guide , how you do setup? Cuz my english is not finest and I do not rly understand what to do with all maps , cuz my DB dont want to start


Verified Member
Try going into ur WoW folder> WTF folder > Open config.wtf and change set realmlist to "Set realmlist ""

i have this problem that the client doesn't connect to the server... Although it is the client i downloaded at the starting page and the config.wtf is set properly to
It is trying to connect to the blizzard official server
at this rate it is the mfil file?
These are the config lines of mfil



Trial Member
Having the same issue... When I try to login it says you must log in with a battle.net account username and password.. Any advice on this?


Senior User
Double check your realmlist, open config.wtf

// We will not actively support this thread anymore as we will be hugely updating the repack and setting it up with a new core, database and all for much more functionality!

will keep you guys updated
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