A list of bugs I've found so far with the help of a few friends.
Nothing shows up in the item_template part of the database.
PvP - The 2 set bouns from the PvP trinkets provides too much of a damage reduction resulting in low PvP damage.
Battle Fatigue - Doesn't apply when in PvP combat.
Macros - Mouseover, Party, Arena, and Focus macros do not work. Instead of using ability at said target, gives an error saying "Invalid target"
Spirit of Conquest - Doesn't give a proc at all. Should give a proc that is the same as Jade Spirit.
Cooldowns - Sometimes after logging in, cooldowns are on a '6 days' cooldown.
Judgement - Not regening mana for ret/holy/prot.
Exorcism - Not Generateing holy power on use (even with the proc).
Holy Avenger(Talent) - Not Generateing 3 holy power when used with Crusader strike for all 3 specs.
Still testing paladin's.
Berserker rage - Not enrageing the warrior. (Important for fury/arms).
Bloodthirst(fury) - Crit chance seem's to low (Tested with Heroic warforged gear full crit gems).
Spell Reflect - Spell Visual the same as Shield Wall.
Second Wind - Requiers you to unlean and relearn the talent for it to work.
Fury Spec - Switching stances unequips your offhand weapon.
Safeguard - Should remove all movement impairing effects including roots and snares, doesn't break roots.
Deep Wounds - Only procs off of Thunder Clap, should proc off of Mortal Strike and auto attacks.
Glyph of Rude Interruption - Bugged, using Hamstring applies the buff, the buff should only be applied when successfully interrupting a spellcast.
Enery - Energy regen is really slow, taking Ascension increases it -slightly- but not alot still feels increaseingly slow.
Wind Walker spec - Reloging coruses the monk unable to move forward but can move back, left, right And can still use abilitys.
Firsts of Fury - Animation is just buggy lol.
Chi Brew - Not giving the monk Tiger's eye brew stacks.
Haunt - Heal's the target you use it on for -2billion, can be fixed by remaking char.
Malefic Grasp - Animation is buggy, your char just looks like he/she is recasting it exremely quickly.
Affliction DoT's - Seem to be eally...Really low only ticking for 6k (tested in full heroic warforged)
Desruction Spec - Burning Embers appear half full for all 4 when you have none.
Chaotic Energy(destro) - Mana regen does not work.
Backdraft(destro) - useing spells does not consume charges instead it refreshes charges.
Grimoire of Supremacy(Talent) - does not change your pet.
Archimond's Darkness(talent) - Just reduces the cooldown on Dark Soul to 20 seconds instead of giving it 2 charges.
Symbiosis - Gives a spellcast and also gives a visual, does not learn spells for either person affected.
Stampede (Feral 4-set) - Using Ravage does not consume the Stampede buff. Cancelling the effect causes it to come right back.
Feral damage - Ferals damage seems too low, bleeds only tick for 5-15k, should be 10-15k for Rake, 20-30k for Rip
Mangle - Ferals learn the wrong mangle ability.
Ferocious Bite - Hits way too low, 5-combo points hit for nearly 1k.
Predatory Swiftness - (Feral Passive) Does not consume the buff, only makes Healing Touch, Entangling Roots, Rebirth, and Hibernate instant cast for 7 seconds.
Skull Bash - Does not work at all, assuming the game gives the wrong one.
Druids are still being tested.
Vanish - Does not work at all.
Eviscerate - Same issue as Ferocious Bite, does not do enough damage. 5 combo points hits for 2k.
Envenom - Also the same issue as Eviscerate, however hits for about 10k with 5 combo points.
Preparation - Doesn't give back Evasion after using.
Subterfuge - Doesn't work.
Smoke Bomb - Places the graphic on the ground, but doesn't make people out of sight to others outside of it.
Paralytic Poison - After 4 stacks are applied, it's supposed to stun the target for 4 seconds, but it doesn't. The shiv effect works, which roots the target for 4 seconds.
Rogues are still being tested.
Death Knight
Raise Dead - Does not work.
Runes - The runes may appear to be up, but they aren't. Have to wait for more to regenerate before using some abilities.
Runic Corruption - Gives way too much haste. Instead of cutting rune speed in half, it makes the rune speed barely over 1 second.
Death Knights are still being tested.
Arcane Brilliance - Says "Invalid Target" upon use.
Frozen Orb (Frost) - Supposed to send the frozen orb moving, instead places it on the ground and it follows the enemy target.
Water Elemental - Does not have enough mana, can't use his 'Freeze' ability. Pet should have 300k mana.
Fingers of Frost - Never procs, Frozen Orb is supposed to instantly give 1 charge, but it doesn't.
Mages are still being tested.