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5.4.8 Client Download - Full Downloader (No background download) - Torrent MOP


Gold Supporter
This is a 5.4.8 client download (full client), without background download. It gives a better performance, and some people prefer that instead of download as you-play.

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It has been tested, and is working great.

Once it's downloaded, you must make sure you have a downloader such as UTorrent to download it,
And once it's installed, you have your entire 5.4.8 folder, and have the ability to change several things & run wow.exe.

Additional information:
- If you don't need Russian locales for a client, open WTF/config.wtf file, find the text "ruRU"(2 times) and replace to esES for Spanish, esMX for Latin America, ptBR for Portugal, deDE for Germany, enUS for English, frFR for France, enGB for Europe.
- There is no realmlist file in MoP client, everything is prescribed in config (wtf->config).

Credits goes to wowcircle.

Thanks share :)


Trial Member
I am a little bit disappointed! It isn't a full client! Locale only in ruRu and some Mopaq files are corrupted (expansion2.MPQ, sound.MPQ, texture.MPQ, world.MPQ, wow-update-base-16016.MPQ.....)! This client will never work correctly without downloading files from server (not yours)! The guy just tries to attract you to "https://wowcircle.com/en.html"!!!
It's not long that i'm here in, but i'm not a newbee.This community (emucoach.com) does great things! No need of this !
* Don't download this shit! *
Please close this thread!!


Verified Member
I am a little bit disappointed! It isn't a full client! Locale only in ruRu and some Mopaq files are corrupted (expansion2.MPQ, sound.MPQ, texture.MPQ, world.MPQ, wow-update-base-16016.MPQ.....)! This client will never work correctly without downloading files from server (not yours)! The guy just tries to attract you to "https://wowcircle.com/en.html"!!!
It's not long that i'm here in, but i'm not a newbee.This community (emucoach.com) does great things! No need of this !
* Don't download this shit! *
Please close this thread!!

Is this true? I dont see anyone else having issues, however the thread is 2 years old.

Mr. Satan

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Is this true? I dont see anyone else having issues, however the thread is 2 years old.

Not sure of this specific download. I downloaded 2 different MoP clients at one point, and I'm pretty sure one was in Russian or some other language, but it's changeable I believe. As long as the English file is there you should be able to switch it over.