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4.3.4 Download - FULL CLIENT - Torrent - Cataclysm Download (No Background downloader


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Veteran Member
Corning NY
So we have a 4.3.4 fast client download (background downloader) here:
4.3.4 client [Fast Way]

However for those we wish to not download while you play, you are able to download a full client - cataclysm torrent as well that should give a better performance (but of course takes longer to download)

[Hidden content]
It has been tested, and is working great.

Once it's downloaded, you must make sure you have a downloader such as UTorrent to download it,
And once it's installed, you have your entire 4.3.4 folder, and have the ability to change realmlist in the folder;
D:\Full434\World of Warcraft 4.3.4\Data\enGB And then right click on realmlist.wtf -> options, and remove the writting lock. (So you can set your own realmlist)

Enjoy the 4.3.4 Full Cataclysm Client!

these are not the full clients, they are tainted


Trial Member
Portanto, temos um download rápido do cliente 4.3.4 (downloader em segundo plano) aqui:
4.3.4 cliente [Maneira Rápida]

No entanto, para aqueles que não desejam baixar enquanto você joga, você pode baixar um cliente completo - cataclysm torrent também, que deve oferecer um melhor desempenho (mas é claro que leva mais tempo para baixar)

[Conteúdo oculto]
Ele foi testado e está funcionando muito bem.

Depois de baixado, você deve ter um downloader como o UTorrent para baixá-lo,
E uma vez instalado, você terá toda a pasta 4.3.4 e poderá alterar a lista de reinos na pasta;
D:\Full434\World of Warcraft 4.3.4\Data\enGB E então clique com o botão direito em realmlist.wtf -> opções e remova o bloqueio de escrita. (Então você pode definir sua própria lista de reinos)

Aproveite o cliente Cataclysm completo 4.3.4 !



Trial Member
So we have a 4.3.4 fast client download (background downloader) here:
4.3.4 client [Fast Way]

However for those we wish to not download while you play, you are able to download a full client - cataclysm torrent as well that should give a better performance (but of course takes longer to download)

[Hidden content]
It has been tested, and is working great.

Once it's downloaded, you must make sure you have a downloader such as UTorrent to download it,
And once it's installed, you have your entire 4.3.4 folder, and have the ability to change realmlist in the folder;
D:\Full434\World of Warcraft 4.3.4\Data\enGB And then right click on realmlist.wtf -> options, and remove the writting lock. (So you can set your own realmlist)

Enjoy the 4.3.4 Full Cataclysm Client!

much appreciated.