Thank you for posting. Download still works, but why does it (regardless of editing realmlist information) does the client keep connecting to It's a complete client.
from the connection.log file:
3/5 07:52:32.787 GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_CONNECTING result: LOGIN_OK
3/5 07:52:32.820 Connecting to
3/5 07:52:43.200 GRUNT: state: LOGIN_STATE_FAILED result: DISCONNECTED
3/5 07:52:43.225 Login program=WoW platform=Win locale=enGB
3/5 07:52:43.225 Component WoW.Win.15595
3/5 07:52:43.233 Component WoW.base.15595
3/5 07:52:43.233 Component WoW.enGB.15595
3/5 07:52:43.249 Component Tool.Win.0
3/5 07:52:43.273 Client initiated Disconnect from
3/5 07:52:43.294 Client Disconnect due to reason:8
3/5 07:52:43.294 Client initiated Disconnect from