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4.3.4 client [Fast Way]


Trial Member
Tutorial simples sobre como obter o cliente 4.3.4 sem ter que baixar um torrent.

Você não precisa esperar 6 horas para o download do torrent 4.3.4 ser feito, isso levará apenas alguns minutos, e basicamente estará pronto para jogar, é muito fácil, eu vou guiá-lo através dele agora:

Agora teremos que baixar o arquivo rar 4.3.4, então vamos fazer isso: [Conteúdo oculto]

Agora você deve descompactá-lo.
Depois de fazer isso, você terá uma pasta com WoW.exe, dados, etc., depois execute o wow.exe e ele terá que carregar o jogo, o que leva alguns minutos, o que significa que sua tela ficará preta e você não poderá fazer nada, basta deixá-lo carregar.
Agora ele gerou os arquivos 4.3.4 e agora você deve alterar realmlist para o servidor 4.3.4.

Você está enfrentando um erro com o cliente? Agora temos uma correção para o arquivo Cannot Stream required archive Data / WoW Error 134


Aproveite o rápido Cataclysm Client Download


Trial Member
Simple tutorial on how to get client 4.3.4 without having to download a torrent.

You don't need to wait 6 hours for the 4.3.4 torrent download to be done, this will only take a few minutes, and it'll basiclly be ready to play, it's very easy, i'll guide you through it now:

Now we will have to download the 4.3.4 rar file, so lets do that: [Hidden content]

Now you should unzip it.
Once you did that, you'll have a folder with WoW.exe, data etc, then run the wow.exe and it'll have to load the game which takes a few minutes, that means your screen will be black and you can't do anything, just let it load.
Now it have generated the 4.3.4 files, and you should now change realmlist to the 4.3.4 server.

Are you experiencing an error with the Client? We now have a fix for the Cannot Stream required archive Data / WoW Error 134


Enjoy the fast Cataclysm Client Download
i reply to see?


Trial Member
Simple tutorial on how to get client 4.3.4 without having to download a torrent.

You don't need to wait 6 hours for the 4.3.4 torrent download to be done, this will only take a few minutes, and it'll basiclly be ready to play, it's very easy, i'll guide you through it now:

Now we will have to download the 4.3.4 rar file, so lets do that: [Hidden content]

Now you should unzip it.
Once you did that, you'll have a folder with WoW.exe, data etc, then run the wow.exe and it'll have to load the game which takes a few minutes, that means your screen will be black and you can't do anything, just let it load.
Now it have generated the 4.3.4 files, and you should now change realmlist to the 4.3.4 server.

Are you experiencing an error with the Client? We now have a fix for the Cannot Stream required archive Data / WoW Error 134


Enjoy the fast Cataclysm Client Download
Thanks, been looking for a better way to get the client for a while, the mini clients is awful


Trial Member
Tutoriel simple sur la façon d'obtenir le client 4.3.4 sans avoir à télécharger un torrent.

Vous n'avez pas besoin d'attendre 6 heures pour que le téléchargement du torrent 4.3.4 soit terminé, cela ne prendra que quelques minutes , et il sera prêt à jouer, c'est très facile, je vais vous guider maintenant :

Maintenant, nous devrons télécharger le fichier rar 4.3.4, alors faisons cela : [Contenu caché]

Maintenant, vous devez le décompresser.
Une fois que vous avez fait cela, vous aurez un dossier avec WoW.exe, des données, etc., puis exécutez le wow.exe et il devra charger le jeu, ce qui prend quelques minutes, cela signifie que votre écran sera noir et que vous pourrez ne faites rien, laissez-le se charger.
Maintenant, il a généré les fichiers 4.3.4, et vous devez maintenant changer realmlist pour le serveur 4.3.4.

Rencontrez-vous une erreur avec le client ? Nous avons maintenant un correctif pour l' erreur 134 Impossible de diffuser les données d'archive requises / WoW


Profitez du téléchargement rapide du client Cataclysm


Verified Member
Simple tutorial on how to get client 4.3.4 without having to download a torrent.

You don't need to wait 6 hours for the 4.3.4 torrent download to be done, this will only take a few minutes, and it'll basiclly be ready to play, it's very easy, i'll guide you through it now:

Now we will have to download the 4.3.4 rar file, so lets do that: [Hidden content]

Now you should unzip it.
Once you did that, you'll have a folder with WoW.exe, data etc, then run the wow.exe and it'll have to load the game which takes a few minutes, that means your screen will be black and you can't do anything, just let it load.
Now it have generated the 4.3.4 files, and you should now change realmlist to the 4.3.4 server.

Are you experiencing an error with the Client? We now have a fix for the Cannot Stream required archive Data / WoW Error 134


Enjoy the fast Cataclysm Client Download