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[4.3.4] B-Zone WoW International Blizzlike Project


Verified Member

By the way I made even more fixes this days: http://wow.b-zone.eu/index.php?page=...gs&changelog=2

Changelog 11.12.2014

Fixed Leveling Zones Quests

Step One: The Priestess
Strategic Cuts


Buy Us Some Time
Where the Wild Things Roam

Tol Barad

Cursed Shackles


Beneath the Surface
Wrath of the Fungalmancer
Lost In The Deeps
On Even Ground
Battlefront Triage

Twilight Highlands

Fury Unbound
Whispers in the Wind
Purple is Your Color
The Weeping Wound
Mercy for the Bound


Throne of the Tides: Fixed Loot HC/N
Blackrock Caverns: Fixed Loot HC/N
Lost City of the Tol'vir: Fixed Loot HC/N
Halls of Origination: Fixed Loot HC/N

Wait everyone to report more bugs and more playes to enjoy on our server.


Verified Member
This week (22.12.2014 - 30.12.2014) we will change a little the server rates.The new rates are below:

Monsters & Quest Xp Rate: x15
Normal/Uncommon/Rare Drops: 10x
Professions Rate: 3x
Honor Gain: 2x
Money Drops: 10x
Reputation Gain: x10
Epic Drops: x10

In 3 weeks since we opened our server we made important fixes and we are trying to fix every bug you are reporting on Bugtracker. If you are interested about fixes we made you can make a check here: http://wow.b-zone.eu/index.php?page=changelogs&changelog=2

We are working at a new reward system for events. After a reward made you will win a custom currency named (Deathbringer Event Coin). With coins you can buy things like (Mounts/Fly Mounts/Heirloom etc) from a NPC that will be added in Orgrimmar/Stormwind.

Important: We are recruiting in our team!

We have an available spot on our team.We are looking for someone that can work on our Youtube channel and Facebook page.We need someone with experience in Photoshop and making movies for our server.If you are interested in this spot add on skype: wowb-zone


Verified Member
Bump , Thread Style update. Thanks to Pure

Because all Level/Class Realm Firsts were taken and Christmas is near, we prepared a present for every old/new players.

The Promotion Event is available for first 100 Players

This promotion contains:
- A level 85 character, Starter Gear (308 - 333 Ilv) and 10k Gold.

The Gear was chosen so as after you gear you class you can start doing Reputations/Normals/Heroics etc.

To gain the promotion enter ingame and make a ticket like example:
"I want to get the promotion on this character."

Note:This Promotion is available just for one character and you cannot change the character.Once you got the promotion on it you cannot change it with another one.We also please everyone not to bother trying to get Promotion on more characters because it is very easy for a GM to check if you got or no the Promotion.