Trial Member
- 3
- 2020
- 1

Emerald-WoW was a project I started early 2020.
A month after launch I've decided to close it due to the population not meeting my expectations.
So here's the repack of the server. I hope it's useful to you.

[Some Repack Info]:
Instant 80.
Free S8 / 284 ilvl.
Heroic+ dungeons (equivalent to retail Mythic+ with affixes and mob scaling) With Leaderboards.
SoloQ / 1v1 Arenas / Rated Battlegrounds.
Arena Spectator with Battleground spectator option.
Challenge System.
Crossfaction Battlegrounds.
FFA / PvP Zones.
Arena / BG victory chests.
Custom PvP System with rewards on honorable kills.
Daily Login Rewards.
Arena Anti-Draw System.
Hourly Chest Events.
In-game Twitch / BTTV Emotes.
Guild Housing System.
Visual Leveling System.
Killstreak System.
Custom Mounts.
Rated Duel System.
VIP System.
Anticheat System.


Global Mall:

Alliance Mall:

Horde Mall:

Daily Login Rewards:

Custom Chat System (@ for EN, # for ES, $ for FR) / Over 3k Twitch Icons:

Rank 1 Player Statues (1v1, Duels, soloQ):

1v1, soloQ, Rated Battlegrounds:

PvP / PvE Leaderboards:

Boss Announcer with Discord Communication:

Arena Reward System:

Game Spectator

Battleground End Stats:

Some of the server features:
Test Admin Account:
account: q
password: q
Emerald i80 Repack ChangeLog - Pastebin.com
Full Repack:
Custom Patch:
Suggestions and Bug Reports are welcomed Thank you.
If you wish to reach me for any kind of reason my discord is: