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[3.3.5] Working Honorbuddy - WOTLK - WoW 3.3.5 Honorbuddy


Verified Member
Many of the outland and northrend meshes dont work or are missing. Does anyone have the meshes or is able to make them?


Trial Member
This is a reshare made by Sandstrom, released as a working honorbuddy for 3.3.5 wotlk version.


I found a working version of Honorbuddy for wow 3.3.5, including a guide written in russian.

I have now translated this into understandable English. The links are tested and there is no virus for this honorbuddy 3.3.5 bot.

I posted this in another thread previously, but decided to create a new thread where everything is collected.

Please post profiles, plugins or whatever you have here. You're free to ask for help in this thread as well.

Before you go ahead, know that this 3.3.5 honorbuddy bot only works with Windows 7 or lower.

If you're running a later OS, you can install vmware and configure an instance of Windows 7 there.

How To!:

1. Download the 3.3.5 honorbuddy bot and meshes [Hidden content]

2. Download XAMPP [Hidden content]

3. Install XAMPP

4. Extract HB anywhere and move the files inside the htdocs folder into the xampp htdocs folder. (xampp\htdocs)

5. Find the file: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

6. Open the file with Notepad. Add the following lines (If you have any text in there, just add these lines below) Like this www.buddynav.de nav.buddyauthcn.com

7. Save the changes. (If you can't save, drag the file to your desktop, make the changes and put it back)

8. Start the XAMPP control panel and start Apache. Exit skype or any other programs that may interfere with port 80.

9. Extract the meshes anywhere. (Example: C:\meshes)

10. Start Honorbuddy with administrator rights.

11. Open the second tab in the bot and change where the meshes are located.

Done! Here's a few tips on how to get started with the working honorbuddy for 3.3.5 wotlk

* In the first tab, choose whichever bot you want to run.

* Press Load Profile and load a profile. (See below in this thread for profiles.)

* Press Bot Settings and configure the bot.

* Open the fourth tab and configure plugins, you can now find more plugins in this thread.

* Exit the bot and start wow. Once you're logged in (ingame), run Honorbuddy and press start!

Now your 3.3.5 honorbuddy will be properly configured and you'll have a working honorbuddy.

External profiles:

1-80 Profiles, botbases, plugins, etc. SVN - [Hidden content]

Official HB 3.3.5 profiles - [Hidden content]

[A] 1-5 Dwarf Hunter.xml
[A] 1-5 Human.xml
[A] 5-10 Elwynn Forest.xml
Link to the Profiles: [Hidden content]

Additional tool for 3.3.5 Honorbuddy, wotlk, created by Sandstrom! (All credits to him!)

As probably most of you know, the Honorbuddy for 3.3.5a is a bit strange. It often bugs out and acts wierdly after a while.

So, I decided to create a program which restarts/relogs both wow and HB for you. + (Tools like Anti-AFK etc)

Note: Please post below if you experience some kind of a bug and I'll try to fix it. Suggestions are also welcome!

The program is called WrathBuddy and it is free. WB currently only supports HB3.3.5, but all WoW Patches.


[Hidden content]

Developed for Windows 7

WrathBuddy Features,

Launch and Login to WoW and HB.
Start HB.
Restart WoW and HB after set time.
Anti-AFK Bot.
Grab size/pos of wow/hb
Move wow/hb to user set position.
Simple/Advanced launch.
Detect Apache, run apache.

Start/Stop function Hotkeys.
Pause/Exit program Hotkeys.
Files locations.
Time between actions.
Randomized times.
Size/Pos of wow/hb.


Verified Member
This is a reshare made by Sandstrom, released as a working honorbuddy for 3.3.5 wotlk version.


I found a working version of Honorbuddy for wow 3.3.5, including a guide written in russian.

I have now translated this into understandable English. The links are tested and there is no virus for this honorbuddy 3.3.5 bot.

I posted this in another thread previously, but decided to create a new thread where everything is collected.

Please post profiles, plugins or whatever you have here. You're free to ask for help in this thread as well.

Before you go ahead, know that this 3.3.5 honorbuddy bot only works with Windows 7 or lower.

If you're running a later OS, you can install vmware and configure an instance of Windows 7 there.

How To!:

1. Download the 3.3.5 honorbuddy bot and meshes [Hidden content]

2. Download XAMPP [Hidden content]

3. Install XAMPP

4. Extract HB anywhere and move the files inside the htdocs folder into the xampp htdocs folder. (xampp\htdocs)

5. Find the file: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

6. Open the file with Notepad. Add the following lines (If you have any text in there, just add these lines below) Like this www.buddynav.de nav.buddyauthcn.com

7. Save the changes. (If you can't save, drag the file to your desktop, make the changes and put it back)

8. Start the XAMPP control panel and start Apache. Exit skype or any other programs that may interfere with port 80.

9. Extract the meshes anywhere. (Example: C:\meshes)

10. Start Honorbuddy with administrator rights.

11. Open the second tab in the bot and change where the meshes are located.

Done! Here's a few tips on how to get started with the working honorbuddy for 3.3.5 wotlk

* In the first tab, choose whichever bot you want to run.

* Press Load Profile and load a profile. (See below in this thread for profiles.)

* Press Bot Settings and configure the bot.

* Open the fourth tab and configure plugins, you can now find more plugins in this thread.

* Exit the bot and start wow. Once you're logged in (ingame), run Honorbuddy and press start!

Now your 3.3.5 honorbuddy will be properly configured and you'll have a working honorbuddy.

External profiles:

1-80 Profiles, botbases, plugins, etc. SVN - [Hidden content]

Official HB 3.3.5 profiles - [Hidden content]

[A] 1-5 Dwarf Hunter.xml
[A] 1-5 Human.xml
[A] 5-10 Elwynn Forest.xml
Link to the Profiles: [Hidden content]

Additional tool for 3.3.5 Honorbuddy, wotlk, created by Sandstrom! (All credits to him!)

As probably most of you know, the Honorbuddy for 3.3.5a is a bit strange. It often bugs out and acts wierdly after a while.

So, I decided to create a program which restarts/relogs both wow and HB for you. + (Tools like Anti-AFK etc)

Note: Please post below if you experience some kind of a bug and I'll try to fix it. Suggestions are also welcome!

The program is called WrathBuddy and it is free. WB currently only supports HB3.3.5, but all WoW Patches.


[Hidden content]

Developed for Windows 7

WrathBuddy Features,

Launch and Login to WoW and HB.
Start HB.
Restart WoW and HB after set time.
Anti-AFK Bot.
Grab size/pos of wow/hb
Move wow/hb to user set position.
Simple/Advanced launch.
Detect Apache, run apache.

Start/Stop function Hotkeys.
Pause/Exit program Hotkeys.
Files locations.
Time between actions.
Randomized times.
Size/Pos of wow/hb.


Verified Member
manay importent info:

i looked long time for a working 3.3.5a bot. So i will test if its working :p

okay - i become to stark hb but with problems - any time after i started wow and then hb, wow crashes - every time.

This is probably because you're trying to run it on Win10. This bot doesn't work on Windows 10.

Feb 11, 2018
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works fine on Win7 64Bit

Before you go ahead, know that this 3.3.5 honorbuddy bot only works with Windows 7 or lower.

If you're running a later OS, you can install vmware and configure an instance of Windows 7 there.

Jan 30, 2020
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I finally managed to make Honorbuddy work.

I'm using a virtual machine with windows 7, follow the tutorial on this topic.

The only problem is the profiles that I can't find, does anyone have it?

May 20, 2020
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joseph.maurer said:
Thanks buddy, let's see if that works!

Well, it actually works!! :-D

Jan 22, 2022
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cixefihu said:
Crashes Wow when starting HonorBuddy.
use hbpatcher

Jan 22, 2022
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cixefihu said:
Do you have a link for it? i tried to search on here and found no results
[Release] Honorbuddy 3.3.5 (Win 10) Patcher
HB Patcher is a program for use with Honorbuddy 3.3.5 version, since it crashes wow if you use it on windows 8 - 10 (because directx is slightly diffe

Jan 22, 2022
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Likon69 said:
[Release] Honorbuddy 3.3.5 (Win 10) Patcher
HB Patcher is a program for use with Honorbuddy 3.3.5 version, since it crashes wow if you use it on windows 8 - 10 (because directx is slightly diffe
Tried the HB Patcher.
I get an error.
29 KB · Views: 80

Aug 3, 2022
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I am sorry for my ignorance, I have tried to install it as it says in the post from SO W7 and W10 with HBPATCH, install the XAMP, modify each step, I use a client downloaded from a warmane page, but at this point I do not know if it is the game that download or am I doing some wrong step, what matters to me is that at least the program will open for me regardless of whether it works or not on private servers, I appreciate anyone who can guide me a little and clear up doubts.

Aug 10, 2022
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Nice to see HB alive for private servers!

I use to run it back in its infancy up until it's murder by Blizz. Had written many personal profiles for farming

Oct 3, 2022
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Moohstache said:
Someone tried it?
Allright. So i tried it on W10. Didnt work. But since its supposed to be for 7 i also tried it with a virtual machine with the last w7 update. Cant get dx 11 installed and i do get the same problem as with w10. Cant find the WoW Instance.

Oct 5, 2022
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==Tried it on Windows 7 x64 bit downloaded the WoW client x64 also but getting Cant find WoW Instance. Further research shows that this version on honorbuddy only works with a 32bit Wow client which blizzard no longer supports. WOTLK classic is a x64 client. So no it dont work.

Nov 18, 2022
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achilaos said:
will give it a try! Use it back in the day and was very happy with it. Hope it work for wotlk classic as well :>

will give it a try! Use it back in the day and was very happy with it. Hope it work for wotlk classic as well :>

This was detected and had a huge ban wave. It's extremely likely that Blizzard/Warden can still detect this, so please do not use an outdated version of Honorbuddy on retail classic, you'll likely get banned.

This is intended for private servers.

Jan 25, 2023
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Sentinel said:

Click to expand...The key you provided for file access was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on MediaFire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or MediaFire.

Apr 23, 2023
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Has anyone encountered a situation like mine, I can run normally, the character will buff or heal himself, but he just can't move, what is the reason?

May 30, 2023
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Can it still work now? After I open it, all functions are grayed out, and I cannot set anything

Aug 13, 2023
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I did everything as in the text but unfortunately it doesn't work. I always get this error message "You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to". with hb I can neither click nor adjust anything
12.08.2023_23_12 Log.txt
496 bytes · Views: 8

Aug 31, 2023
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Many of the outland and northrend meshes dont work or are missing. Does anyone have the meshes or is able to make them?


Trial Member
This is a reshare made by Sandstrom, released as a working honorbuddy for 3.3.5 wotlk version.


I found a working version of Honorbuddy for wow 3.3.5, including a guide written in russian.

I have now translated this into understandable English. The links are tested and there is no virus for this honorbuddy 3.3.5 bot.

I posted this in another thread previously, but decided to create a new thread where everything is collected.

Please post profiles, plugins or whatever you have here. You're free to ask for help in this thread as well.

Before you go ahead, know that this 3.3.5 honorbuddy bot only works with Windows 7 or lower.

If you're running a later OS, you can install vmware and configure an instance of Windows 7 there.

How To!:

1. Download the 3.3.5 honorbuddy bot and meshes [Hidden content]

2. Download XAMPP [Hidden content]

3. Install XAMPP

4. Extract HB anywhere and move the files inside the htdocs folder into the xampp htdocs folder. (xampp\htdocs)

5. Find the file: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

6. Open the file with Notepad. Add the following lines (If you have any text in there, just add these lines below) Like this www.buddynav.de nav.buddyauthcn.com

7. Save the changes. (If you can't save, drag the file to your desktop, make the changes and put it back)

8. Start the XAMPP control panel and start Apache. Exit skype or any other programs that may interfere with port 80.

9. Extract the meshes anywhere. (Example: C:\meshes)

10. Start Honorbuddy with administrator rights.

11. Open the second tab in the bot and change where the meshes are located.

Done! Here's a few tips on how to get started with the working honorbuddy for 3.3.5 wotlk

* In the first tab, choose whichever bot you want to run.

* Press Load Profile and load a profile. (See below in this thread for profiles.)

* Press Bot Settings and configure the bot.

* Open the fourth tab and configure plugins, you can now find more plugins in this thread.

* Exit the bot and start wow. Once you're logged in (ingame), run Honorbuddy and press start!

Now your 3.3.5 honorbuddy will be properly configured and you'll have a working honorbuddy.

External profiles:

1-80 Profiles, botbases, plugins, etc. SVN - [Hidden content]

Official HB 3.3.5 profiles - [Hidden content]

[A] 1-5 Dwarf Hunter.xml
[A] 1-5 Human.xml
[A] 5-10 Elwynn Forest.xml
Link to the Profiles: [Hidden content]

Additional tool for 3.3.5 Honorbuddy, wotlk, created by Sandstrom! (All credits to him!)

As probably most of you know, the Honorbuddy for 3.3.5a is a bit strange. It often bugs out and acts wierdly after a while.

So, I decided to create a program which restarts/relogs both wow and HB for you. + (Tools like Anti-AFK etc)

Note: Please post below if you experience some kind of a bug and I'll try to fix it. Suggestions are also welcome!

The program is called WrathBuddy and it is free. WB currently only supports HB3.3.5, but all WoW Patches.



[Hidden content]

Developed for Windows 7

WrathBuddy Features,

Launch and Login to WoW and HB.
Start HB.
Restart WoW and HB after set time.
Anti-AFK Bot.
Grab size/pos of wow/hb
Move wow/hb to user set position.
Simple/Advanced launch.
Detect Apache, run apache.

Start/Stop function Hotkeys.
Pause/Exit program Hotkeys.
Files locations.
Time between actions.
Randomized times.
Size/Pos of wow/hb.


Trial Member
This is a reshare made by Sandstrom, released as a working honorbuddy for 3.3.5 wotlk version.


I found a working version of Honorbuddy for wow 3.3.5, including a guide written in russian.

I have now translated this into understandable English. The links are tested and there is no virus for this honorbuddy 3.3.5 bot.

I posted this in another thread previously, but decided to create a new thread where everything is collected.

Please post profiles, plugins or whatever you have here. You're free to ask for help in this thread as well.

Before you go ahead, know that this 3.3.5 honorbuddy bot only works with Windows 7 or lower.

If you're running a later OS, you can install vmware and configure an instance of Windows 7 there.

How To!:

1. Download the 3.3.5 honorbuddy bot and meshes [Hidden content]

2. Download XAMPP [Hidden content]

3. Install XAMPP

4. Extract HB anywhere and move the files inside the htdocs folder into the xampp htdocs folder. (xampp\htdocs)

5. Find the file: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

6. Open the file with Notepad. Add the following lines (If you have any text in there, just add these lines below) Like this www.buddynav.de nav.buddyauthcn.com

7. Save the changes. (If you can't save, drag the file to your desktop, make the changes and put it back)

8. Start the XAMPP control panel and start Apache. Exit skype or any other programs that may interfere with port 80.

9. Extract the meshes anywhere. (Example: C:\meshes)

10. Start Honorbuddy with administrator rights.

11. Open the second tab in the bot and change where the meshes are located.

Done! Here's a few tips on how to get started with the working honorbuddy for 3.3.5 wotlk

* In the first tab, choose whichever bot you want to run.

* Press Load Profile and load a profile. (See below in this thread for profiles.)

* Press Bot Settings and configure the bot.

* Open the fourth tab and configure plugins, you can now find more plugins in this thread.

* Exit the bot and start wow. Once you're logged in (ingame), run Honorbuddy and press start!

Now your 3.3.5 honorbuddy will be properly configured and you'll have a working honorbuddy.

External profiles:

1-80 Profiles, botbases, plugins, etc. SVN - [Hidden content]

Official HB 3.3.5 profiles - [Hidden content]

[A] 1-5 Dwarf Hunter.xml
[A] 1-5 Human.xml
[A] 5-10 Elwynn Forest.xml
Ссылка на профили: [скрытый контент]

Дополнительный инструмент для 3.3.5 Honorbuddy, wotlk, созданный Sandstrom! (Все заслуги ему!)

Как, наверное, многие из вас знают, Honorbuddy для 3.3.5a немного странный. Через некоторое время он часто выходит из строя и ведет себя странно.

Итак, я решил создать программу, которая перезапускает/перезагружает для вас как wow, так и HB. + (Такие инструменты, как Anti-AFK и т. д.)

Примечание. Если у вас возникла какая-либо ошибка, сообщите об этом ниже, и я постараюсь ее исправить. Предложения также приветствуются!

Программа называется WrathBuddy и она бесплатна. В настоящее время WB поддерживает только HB3.3.5, но все патчи WoW.


[Скрытый контент]

Разработано для Windows 7.

Особенности WrathBuddy,

Запустите и войдите в WoW и HB.
Запустите ХБ.
Перезапустите WoW и HB по истечении установленного времени.
Анти-АФК бот.
Размер захвата/позицию wow/hb
Переместите wow/hb в заданное пользователем положение.
Простой/Расширенный запуск.
Обнаружьте Apache, запустите Apache.

Функция запуска/остановки. Горячие клавиши.
Пауза/выход из программы. Горячие клавиши.
Расположение файлов.
Имя пользователя Пароль.
Время между действиями.
Случайное время.
Размер/позиция wow/hb.