ThanksVideo with the Playerbots in practice. (More videos coming up, I plan to make it a series):
[Hidden content]
ZIP Password for Release & _Server folder:
GET THE VIP VERSION (with more updates, and a unique playerbot system) BY CLICKING HERE.
Read about the Playerbots system (VIP only), here:
Emucoach 5.4.8 Repack - Fully reworked Playerbot System (Battlegrounds, PVP, PvE)
The Playerbot system is currently running on the Premium MoP Repack. The free version does not contain the Playerbot System so if you want that, you'll have to donate to the MoP repack. Let the showcase begin! - This is by far one of the most innovative projects in the World of Warcraft...www.emucoach.com
Aditionally, I would like to thank the user @OzHawkeye for his great support towards the Emucoach community. He has contributed a ton to make things realistic!
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在实践中使用 Playerbots 的视频。(更多视频即将推出,我计划将其制作成一个系列):
Release & _Server 文件夹的 ZIP 密码:
单击此处获取 VIP 版本(包含更多更新和独特的 playerbot 系统)。
在此处阅读有关 Playerbots 系统(仅限 VIP)的信息:
https://www.emucoach.com/forums/thr... 对 Emucoach 社区的大力支持。他为使事情变得现实做出了巨大贡献![/SIZE]
在实践中使用 Playerbots 的视频。(更多视频即将推出,我计划将其制作成一个系列):
Release & _Server 文件夹的 ZIP 密码:
单击此处获取 VIP 版本(包含更多更新和独特的 playerbot 系统)。
在此处阅读有关 Playerbots 系统(仅限 VIP)的信息:
https://www.emucoach.com/forums/thr... 对 Emucoach 社区的大力支持。他为使事情变得现实做出了巨大贡献![/SIZE]
Doooooope!Video with the Playerbots in practice. (More videos coming up, I plan to make it a series):
[Hidden content]
ZIP Password for Release & _Server folder:
GET THE VIP VERSION (with more updates, and a unique playerbot system) BY CLICKING HERE.
Read about the Playerbots system (VIP only), here:
Emucoach 5.4.8 Repack - Fully reworked Playerbot System (Battlegrounds, PVP, PvE)
The Playerbot system is currently running on the Premium MoP Repack. The free version does not contain the Playerbot System so if you want that, you'll have to donate to the MoP repack. Let the showcase begin! - This is by far one of the most innovative projects in the World of Warcraft...www.emucoach.com
Aditionally, I would like to thank the user @OzHawkeye for his great support towards the Emucoach community. He has contributed a ton to make things realistic!
Doooooope!Video with the Playerbots in practice. (More videos coming up, I plan to make it a series):
[Hidden content]
ZIP Password for Release & _Server folder:
GET THE VIP VERSION (with more updates, and a unique playerbot system) BY CLICKING HERE.
Read about the Playerbots system (VIP only), here:
Emucoach 5.4.8 Repack - Fully reworked Playerbot System (Battlegrounds, PVP, PvE)
The Playerbot system is currently running on the Premium MoP Repack. The free version does not contain the Playerbot System so if you want that, you'll have to donate to the MoP repack. Let the showcase begin! - This is by far one of the most innovative projects in the World of Warcraft...www.emucoach.com
Aditionally, I would like to thank the user @OzHawkeye for his great support towards the Emucoach community. He has contributed a ton to make things realistic!