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2015 WARMANE 5.4 Source w/ COMMIT HISTORY!


Senior User
Greetings friends!
Why am i resharing this? Because it gives you an indepth view of the commit history of how the emulation leading developers work.
You will learn how to find issues, fix issues & get to know the source.

Thought i'd re-share this educational repository here that i had stored up in my Bitbucket account, this was officially used on the warmane servers, after i got my hands on it we used it for Adversewow.
I share this just because it has the COMMIT history, and you can see how the Warmane developers script/fix issues, good to learn from, also a shitload of content works on this source, copy pasta for your own use!

Here's the link to the repository! (This is a 5.4. patch, with useful fixes etc from 2015)