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Veteran Member
Due to previous report from V2, there is in V3 an huge improvement for playerbots rotation who are better for dps and survival than V2 thanks @dev and @ExO , but there is still missing some importants spells and some class are still not competitive, this is a continued report with still missing importants spells from V3.



SPECS COMBAT + SUBTETLY (assassination is actually using it correctly) :
Rogues have to use poison wich is their principal damage source

Assasination :
  • Should use Vendetta on CD - (actually it's not used)

Combat :
  • Should not use dagger only mace and axe due to Combat Potency - (actually it's not used)
  • should use Blade Flurry while fighting 3+ enemy - (actually it's not used)


- Mistweaver heal :

Monk heal actually is one of the worst playerbot healer to get in your group cause he's casting only 2 spells : Soothing mist and summon jade serpent statue :/, let's see how pump it !
  • Should use Renewing Mist (id : 115151) on CD - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Uplift (id : 116670) (have to renewing mist on 1 target mini and spam it for aoe heal) - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Revival (id 115310) - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Chi Wave (id 115098) on CD - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Surging Mist (id 116694) while casting Soothing Mist (id 115175) for greater heal on mono target - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Life Cocoon (id 116849) on PV < 30% - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Thunder Focus Tea (id 116680) on CD - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Chi Brew (id 115399) on CD - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Expel Harm (id 115072) on CD - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Blackout Kick (id 100787) to maintain 100% uptime on the Serpent's Zeal self-buff that it applies - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use (id 100887) Tiger Palm (which costs 1 Chi), to maintain 100% uptime on the Tiger Power self-buff; - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Rushing jade wind on tier 6 talents since Chi torpedo is too complex to use for bots Rushing Jade Wind (id 116847) - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Rushing jade wind on aoe healing Rushing Jade Wind (116847) - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use tea of mana when mana < 50% or mana tea stack > 15 Mana Tea (id 115294) - (actually it's not used)
  • Take maximum advantage of Eminence and Serpent's Zeal bystaying in melee range of the boss for as long as possible, dealing damage. - (actually it's not used)
(see chapter 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3)

- Windwalker dps :

Monk dps have actually a correct rotation and good damage (thank to xuen talent) but they miss some good spell.
  • Should use Fists of Fury on cooldown (133656) - (actually it's not used on CD)
  • Should use Tiger Power, refresh every 20 sec - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Tigereye Brew (116740) should be used whenever you have 10 or more stacks - (actually it's used with 5 stacks)
  • Should use Touch of Karma (122470) on target in critical life moments - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Fortifying Brew (115203) for increase life in critical life moments like 20% pv - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Storm, Earth, and Fire (137639) on AOE- (actually it's not used)
  • Should Use Expel Harm on CD - (actually it's not used)
- Brewmaster tank :
Monk tank make the job in dps rotation but they miss their def cd wich is the 1st priorities for tanking.
  • Should use Tiger Power, refresh every 20 sec - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Purifying Brew for remove aura "HEAVY STAGGER" on self (spell id 124273) - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Fortifying Brew (115203) for increase life in critical life moments like 20% pv - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Elusive Brew should be used with 8+ stack- (actually it's not used)
  • Should Use Expel Harm on CD - (actually it's not used)
  • Should Use Breath of Fire DoT up on 3+targets - (actually it's not used)


- Guardian (tank) :

Druid tank miss their spell for rage generating wich is necessary for selfheal. They miss important spells for survive and rage generation.
  • Should use Mangle (id 33878) on CD / PRINCIPAL ABILITIES - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Thrash on CD / PRINCIPAL ABILITIES - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Swipe on cooldown on 3+ targets - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Survival Instincts for reduce damage in critical life moments < 20% pv - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Savage Defense if rage > 80 (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Berserk on cd - (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Healing Touch with proc of Dream of Cenarius (id 145162)
(see chapter 1. Single Target Rotation)

- Balance (DPS) :

Still missing their burst in rotation + some survival
(see chapter 3. Cooldown Usage)

- Restoration (heal) :

Druid heals seems to using a good rotation except they need to be more reactive on rejuvenation (!IMPORTAN) and use some def cds for their group


- Protection paladin tank :

Good spell rotation but acting like a sponge cause protection paladins are not using defensive and heal spells.
  • Should use
    Guardian of Ancient Kings Icon
    Guardian of Ancient Kings when life < 50 % (actually it's not used)
  • Should use
    Ardent Defender Icon
    Ardent Defender when life < 20% pv (actually it's not used)
  • Should use
    Avenging Wrath Icon
    Avenging Wrath on CD (actually it's not used)
  • Should use
    Eternal Flame Icon
    Eternal Flame when life < 70 % or with 3+ stacks of
    Bastion of Glory Icon
    Bastion of Glory (actually it's not used)
  • Should use
    Lay on Hands Icon
    Lay on Hands in critical life moments like 10% pv if
    Divine Shield Icon
    Divine Shield is on cooldown
  • Should use
    Hammer of Wrath Icon
    Hammer of Wrath on CD (actually it's not used)
  • Should use
    Seal of Insight Icon
    Seal of Insight (actually seal of truth is used and it's bad for tanking)
  • Should use
    Holy Avenger Icon
    Holy Avenger on cd (actually it's not used)
  • Should use
    Hammer of the Righteous Icon
    Hammer of the Righteous instead of
    Crusader Strike Icon
    Crusader Strike for 3+ ennemy
(see chapter 3. Active Survival Abilities)

- Retribution paladin dps :

Good rotation since V3 /clap !
  • Should use
    Lay on Hands Icon
    Lay on Hands in critical life moments like 10% pv if
    Divine Shield Icon
    Divine Shield is on cooldown - (actually it's not used on CD)
  • Should use
    Flash of Light Icon
    Flash of Light if life < 20% - (actually it's not used on CD)
(see chapter 1. Single Target Rotation)


- Beast master :
Since BM work with pet and miss it, i can't talk about their rotation.

  • Should use a pet
  • Should use Deterrence when health < 30% (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Disengage when ennemy is near (actually it's not used)
- Markmanship :
Competitive spec since V3 /clap, miss their pet for additionnal damage + survival spells

  • should use Stampede on cd - (actually it's not used on CD)
  • Should use Deterrence when health < 30% (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Disengage when ennemy is near (actually it's not used)
  • Should use a pet
- Survival:
Competitive spec since V3, miss their pet for additionnal damage + survival spells

  • should use Stampede on cd (actually it's not used)
  • Should use a pet
  • Should use Deterrence when health < 30% (actually it's not used)
  • Should use Disengage when ennemy is near (actually it's not used)


- Fire :

Still bugged spec since fireball don't proc
- Frost :
Frost have to use ice lance (! IMPORTANT), frost armor, and invoker
- Arcane :
Arcane are good, they should use the good armor + aoe spell
Death Knight
- Frost :
Miss survival spells + army

- Unholy:

Miss cooldown burst + survival spells

- Blood:

Miss survival spells + army

-Elementals (dps) :
Need to use the good shield

- Enhancement (dps) :

Need to use the good shield + some abilities



Need to use def cd + principal dps abilitie


Miss some dps abilities

Miss finisher spell + def cd



Miss chakra spells


Miss defs + survival spells

(see chapter 4. Cooldown)


Discipline priest are good except they miss to use penance and archangel for greater heal. As other class they miss all their cd.

(see chapter 4.1 smiting and atonement healing)
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