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    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    LEGION! Here I come.... a great expansion to be had. Thanks Exo, Emucoach team, Trinitycore and UWOW. Excellent work all of you
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    At what age did you start playing computer games?

    I started GTA Vice City at 10 after I got my hand-me-down PC from my aunt. Had many .dll problems that I didn't know what to do about at that age. Then had to get a graphics card with some drivers that let me play the game. It was crazy difficult trying to troubleshoot back then on 56kbps modem >.<
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    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

    WOW, comprehensive reply. I think NPCBots and Playerbots are fundamentally different, and it depends on what you want and how you want to interact with the bots, to choose which suits the player. I wonder if we could get a world server of both versions and just change the realms to play on one...
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    [SUGGESTION]Make MoP and Cataclysm work under one hood

    I'm also interested in how this went. That 2 cents was MASSIVE! Thanks though, very educational.
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    I bought the VIP version of MOP and encountered some issues starting the World server

    Still no success? The repack working as expected?
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    Healer bots...

    Interesting fix. Surely there could be another less serious way to fix it. Are you using NPCBots or PlayerBots? I'm guessing you're on MOP?
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    ProjectSkyFire 5.4.8 MoP Repack

    You're welcome. I don't think it is live anymore, but all the best to find more about SkyFire core
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    How to fix: Cannot stream required archive data / WoW Error 134 for 4.3.4 Cataclysm

    Thank you! Will try FULL client as well as this for the mini-client to see how it works. Is the twinstar CDN also down?
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    [NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

    Will try solo for a while to hunt for bugs! Will consider getting VIP, because playerbots is a MUST for solo play.
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    repack thorignir legion

    Thanks for repack. Took a while to configure since I downloaded the wrong client version and had to change all the gamebuild info in the .confs. It also took quite a while to connect/load/enter realm through the client. Didn't know why. I can happily create a char and play, but would like...
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    ProjectSkyFire 5.4.8 MoP Repack

    Is Skyfire -master still being developed?
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    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Thank you for LegionCore and BfaCore. Links are dead, but hopefully someone has picked up the will to push further.
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    Repack DragonFlight 10.0.2

    Thanks for the repack, link is broken to 4shared. I can do WOTLK on Azerothcore, no problems, but I'm having trouble compiling anything on trinity core 7.3.5 and above. Would love to test this one ^_^ Do I git clone a different branch to master on the source you provided?