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  1. R

    Release of the HD patch update for Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) member VIP

    Perhaps one early question before further testing this. Do I need to add these files to a clean cataclysm client? Or can I apply them to your previous cata HD update? Can you share also the ZIP password, please? The link to discord doesnt work for me.
  2. R

    Release of the HD patch update for Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) member VIP

    Also, can I ask if you plan to update more models (pets, creatures, mounts etc.) and maybe spell animations from new expansions, too?
  3. R

    Release of the HD patch update for Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) member VIP

    Seems the key is not working indeed.
  4. R

    Release of the HD patch update for Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) member VIP

    Thank you so much! Going to test this.
  5. R

    Latest HD + NPC Models Patch 100% complete for Cataclysm 4.3.4 VIP GOLD ONLY

    Also, another bug. cloaks seem to be not displaying on my character with these models.
  6. R

    Latest HD + NPC Models Patch 100% complete for Cataclysm 4.3.4 VIP GOLD ONLY

    Thank you for the info. It is actually good news, I thought noone is working on cataclysm visuals anymore. Do you plan to release an updated MPQ? Also for other things like mounts and creatures?
  7. R

    Latest HD + NPC Models Patch 100% complete for Cataclysm 4.3.4 VIP GOLD ONLY

    I noticed one bug, though. The game menu (PC icon) is replaced by a question mark (so there are two question marks now).
  8. R

    Mounts SL/BFA/LEGION/WOD/MOP/ For CATA 4.3.4 (15595) => 111 models

    Does anyone have the MPQ files saved, please? I see there are 2 files uploaded on dropbox but the third one is missing. Do these files work with the player models MPQ added too?