Search results

  1. F

    [Quest] Jade Forest Questbug masterlist

    [Location, Faction, Race]Uldum, Night elf, alliance [Name, Type] Masterlist of broken quests [Problem Description] 1. Do the world a favor 2. Exploding Through 3. On to something 4. Tipping the balance 5. Just a fancy cockroach 6. Do the honors 7. Under the choking sands 8. The prophet hadassi...
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    [Other] Cataclysm scaling is way too messed up

    [Location, Faction, Race]Uldum, Night elf, alliance [Name, Type] Cataclysm scaling, expansion [Problem Description] Almost every raid, dungeon and zone have messed up cata scaling, like the dragon soul raid the trash mobs even one shot geared up level 90s, almost every dungeon is impossible even...
  3. F

    [Quest] Uldum bugged quests/npcs masterlist

    [Location, Faction, Race]Uldum, Night elf, alliance [Name, Type] Masterlist of broken quests [Problem Description] 1. Do the world a favor 2. Exploding Through 3. On to something 4. Tipping the balance 5. Just a fancy cockroach 6. Do the honors 7. Under the choking sands 8. The prophet hadassi...
  4. F

    [Quest] Take it to em

    [Location, Faction, Race]Uldum, Night elf, alliance [Name, Type] Take it to em quest [Problem Description] Quest giver doesn't give quest, quest is bugged investigation doesn't work [How it should work] Should give quest, flying to temple should finish quest...
  5. F

    [Quest] Relics of the sun king, venonblood antidote

    [Location, Faction, Race]Uldum, Night elf, alliance [Name, Type] Relics of the sun king, quest Venonblood antidote [Problem Description] Quest giver doesn't give quest [How it should work] Should give quest
  6. F

    [Quest] Traitors!

    [Location, Faction, Race]Uldum [Name, Type] Traitors, quest [Problem Description] Traitoers quest doesn't play cutscene can't complete quest [How it should work] Has to play cutscene when using plant
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    Naxxarmas (vanila)

    Might be possilbe on an open source project but since emucoach isn't open source I don't really think there's a way
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    Naxxarmas (vanila)

    Not sure what you mean ,if you are using emucoach the raid should already be included in the WOTLK expansion
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    Naxxarmas (vanila)

  10. F

    DugisGuideViewerZ (Levelings/professions/prof/dungeon...)

    This looks like an interesting addon
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    Naxxarmas (vanila)

    I've done it on the mop server which should be similar and it worked except at 1 boss because of the mechanics the bots aren't programmed to avoid
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    [Quest] Rank And File

    you can use the command ".quest complete 31495" (might be 31490) for a lot of quests you will have to use this command since a lot of quests at least so far from classic to cataclysm are broken
  13. F

    [Other] Scarlet Monastery very buggy

    Ya dungeon works fine on Azerothcore
  14. F

    [NPC] Blackrock cavernsdungeon scaling

    [Location, Faction, Race]Blackrock caverns, alliance, night elf [Name, Type] Blackrock caverns, dungeon [Problem Description] The scaling or something is messed up in blackrock dungeon, a lot of the mobs are on heroic difficulty or something because they're one shotting almost everybody, nearly...
  15. F

    [Quest] Securing the perimter

    [Location, Faction, Race]ice crown, alliance, night elf [Name, Type] Securing the perimeter, quest [Problem Description] Don't get credit for killing hulking horror [How it should work] Killing hulking horror should give credit so you can complete quest
  16. F

    [Quest] The Drakkari Do not feed water elements

    [Location, Faction, Race]Zul'drak, alliance, night elf [Name, Type] The Drakkari Do not feed water elements, quest [Problem Description] Drakkari water binder spawn outside the quest zone [How it should work] They are supposed to spawn in the water but they spawn outside the water so it's hard...
  17. F

    [Quest] Trolls is gone crazy

    [Location, Faction, Race]Zul'drak, alliance, night elf [Name, Type] Trolls is gone crazy, quest [Problem Description] Can't free the prisoners so you can't finish quest [How it should work] Should be able to use the keys to release the prisoners to get credit for the quest
  18. F

    [NPC] Random dragon chilling at Spiral of Thorns

    [Location, Faction, Race]Badlands, Alliance, Night Elf [Name, Type] Koristrasza, NPC [Problem Description] Random dragon chilling [How it should work] Don't think she belongs here
  19. F

    [NPC] Rhea missing

    [Location, Faction, Race]Badlands, Alliance, Night Elf [Name, Type] Rhea, Npc [Problem Description] Rhea npc is missing, I checked all the spots where she is supposed to be at and she's at none, you can't do badlands questline without this npc [How it should work] Rhea needs to be at these...