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  1. R

    Wanted to let those of you know.

    Damn bro. That sucks. So sorry you had to deal with that. People get weird when a family member dies and I've seen family members do some very jerk-ish things when it comes to inheritance, or what they perceive is an inheritance or what they think they're "owed". Anyway, I hope things settle...
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    ProjectSkyFire 5.4.8 MoP Repack

    Looks good. Thanks.
  3. R

    M.O.P. 5.4.8. Reset Goblin starter campaign/zone instance?

    Interesting. So the player basically just skips the instanced portion of those races then? I wonder if there's any fix incoming to actually fix these instances though. I'd really like to experience those zones/quests.
  4. R

    M.O.P. 5.4.8. Reset Goblin starter campaign/zone instance?

    Hopefully, this is the right place to post this question - I'm running the free version of the MOP 5.4.8 emucoach repack. I started playing a goblin, got to the "Lost isles" zone and logged out for a bit. When I logged back in the volcano had erupted and the zone was completely transformed, no...
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    How to learn more than 2 professions

    Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you.
  6. R

    Making Server Public?

    Awesome this worked! Thank you so much!
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    Making Server Public?

    Yeah with MOP, I'm like 99.99% sure there is no separate file (I've checked this on other forums). I did check all the inner folders in the client again just to be sure - there are only cinematics and MPQ files there. You can set realmlist in the config.txt file in the WTF folder...
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    Making Server Public?

    There is no file in the data/enUS/ directory for this repack. The only file I can edit is the config.txt file in the client's WTF folder.
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    Making Server Public?

    Okay, I will look into Hamachi but where in the worldserver.config and authserver.config files would I put the Ip? The only value I see is the "bind IP" address which is set to, I've tried substituting in the IP I want there but it doesn't work.
  10. R

    Making Server Public?

    Hi all - I've been searching the forums for an answer to this issue but havent found anything yet. Basically I'd like to make my server public so a couple of my friends can login and play with me. I've seen a lot of tutorials online for other repacks and game versions but nothing for this...
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    Making your server public

    Just for my one roommate to connect to and maybe one other person. I'm not trying to run a fully public server or anything. Incidentally I've forwarded ports 8085 and 3724. Should I forward any other ports?
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    Making your server public

    So I think there's an issue with my hosts file in windows. I've added the following line: # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.# localhost# myexternalipaddress mydyndns This doesnt work. I've gotten rid of the extra spaces too. I have a...
  13. R

    Making your server public

    So I think there's an issue with my hosts file in windows. I've added the following line: # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.# localhost# myexternalipaddress mydyndns This doesnt work. I've gotten rid of the extra spaces too. I have a...
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    Making your server public

    So I think there's an issue with my hosts file in windows. I've added the following line: # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.# localhost# myexternalipaddress mydyndns This doesnt work. I've gotten rid of the extra spaces too. I have a...
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    Emucoach 5.4.8 Repack - Fully reworked Playerbot System (Battlegrounds, PVP, PvE)

    This looks great. I'm trying out the free version and enjoying it but Im considering buying the Premium to check out the bot system. One question though. Is there a way to change auth server settings so I can allow some of my friends to login into the server? I know it's possible with other...
  16. R

    add gmevel in Worldserver doesn't work

    Okay so I had to do a workaround to fix this. In case any of you are stuck on a similar issue here's something you can do. 1. Download HeidiSQL and install it. 2. Make sure your SQL database is running 3. Open HeidiSQL with the ip/host of, and the user: root, password: ascent 4...
  17. R

    add gmevel in Worldserver doesn't work

    I'm having issues with this as well. Using the free Emucoach MOP files. I get a message saying "you have low security level for this" when I set it to 9. It allows me to use 8 but in-game I still don't have access to gm commands like .kill or .die or .tele