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  1. D

    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    More Changes I have some more updates to drop, here is the change log. The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post Note the Master Change Log Post Has also been updated NPCS: Aedan Moran (30433) Added missing spawn Archdruid Lilliandra (30630) Added missing spawn Crusade...
  2. D

    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    Hi there. Thankyou for the feedback, My sql editor didn't have a problem with it, so thank you for letting me know that others will. I have edited the main SQL post with your update. Sorry it took me a few days to get to it, my work schedule didn't give me time.
  3. D

    Gold? Who was talking about gold?

    Sorry if I am necroing this thread, but..... Money dropped from a creature is handled in the table: Creature_template under the fields "mingold" and "maxgold" The amounts in these columns is registered in coppers eg 1 = 1 copper looted 100 = 1 silver looted 10000 = 1 gold looted. To have an...
  4. D

    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    More Changes I have some more updates to drop. The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post In this update there was some behind the scenes work on my end on how I keep track of changes. Unfortunately this means I can't put in here exactly which changes were made with this update...
  5. D

    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    More Changes I have some more updates to drop, here is the change log. The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post Note the Master Change Log Post Has also been updated Gamobject: Campfire Added missing spawn NPC: Fallen Earthen Warrior (26335) Now laying down as should be...
  6. D

    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    Happy to be back mate.
  7. D

    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    More Changes I have some more updates to drop, here is the change log. The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post Note the Master Change Log Post Has also been updated Quest: Torture the Torturer (12252) Torturer LeCraft will now say things when using the branding rod. (NOTE...
  8. D

    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    More Changes I have some more updates to drop, here is the change log. The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post Note the Master Change Log Post Has also been updated NPC: Gjalorbron Prisoner (24035) Added missing spawn x 2 Delete duplicate spawn x 1 Quest: The Magical Kingdom...
  9. D

    Bugs in Westfall

    Try this for the guards and gnolls not fighting INSERT INTO `smart_scripts` (`entryorguid`,`source_type`,`id`,`link`,`event_type`,`action_type`,`action_param1`,`target_type`,`comment`) VALUES ('42407','0','1','0','54','89','10','1','Move on spawn trigger combat');
  10. D

    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    Why thank you very much. Just sorry I was gone for soo long.
  11. D

    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    More Changes I have some more updates to drop, here is the change log. The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post Note the Master Change Log Post Has also been updated NPC: Nerub'ar Victim (25284) Added some missing spawns Quest: Magic Carpet Ride (11636) No longer just auto...
  12. D

    Emucoach presents: New custom forum theme!

    Totally shouldn't have looked at the website before my first coffee of the day... I got soo confused for a second. Now my brain is on, looks nice.
  13. D

    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    More Changes I have some more updates to drop, here is the change log. The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post Note the Master Change Log Post Has also been updated NPC: Talonpriest Ishaal Removed the duplicated spawn Hidden Triggers from players x 4 Mount removed from...
  14. D

    All Problems in the Wetlands

    To start with you need an sql editor program like Navicat or HeidiSQL. I personally use Navicat. Once you have the program downloaded and installed: - Turn on the MySQL server for the repack - Open the program - Make a new connection using: username: root password: ascent (most repacks...
  15. D

    All Problems in the Wetlands

    Hiya, Thanks for the reports. Here is fixes for some of them. (Specifically 1, 3, 4,6) Note: Clear the client cache after running them UPDATE `gameobject` SET `id`='203188' WHERE (`id`='1610'); UPDATE `gameobject` SET `id`='203188' WHERE (`id`='1667'); DELETE FROM `creature` WHERE...
  16. D

    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    More Changes I have some more updates to drop, here is the change log. The changes have been added to the SQL Queries Post Note the Master Change Log Post Has also been updated NPC: Darnell (49141) Fixed spelling error NPC: Parched Hydra (20324) Added Item (Withered Basidium) to loot...
  17. D

    [Help] Create a Custom Vendor (MOP VIP V2)

    Hi, If you havn't figured out this yet.... The creature (in creature_template) needs to have "npcflag" 128 to be a vendor In table NPC_Vendor you need to make sure that the "Entry" field is the same number as the "entry' for the NPC in creature_template To modify the amount of gold that an item...
  18. D

    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    Keep at it. I am not overly great at SQL myself. Google is your friend.
  19. D

    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    Cheers. Should hopefully be around more often now that work life has settled a little. This are intended for Cataclysm V16 repack only. They will probably only work for that one. "Also when I say remove duplicate spawns" it generally means specific ones not all. In regards to respawn time on...
  20. D

    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    Master Change Log See below for the Master Change Log. This post will be updated each update. Note: I have updated how I display the changes so it is all grouped. If you are interested here is my count of how many fixes have been done: NPC'S: 116 Quests: 45 Objects: 30 Items...