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  1. D

    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    SQL Queries The queries has gotten to be a little TOO long to be put in a single post. I have attached them in a text file. Current lines of SQL: 885 Lines added since last update: 41 Last Update: 1st December 2022
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    Database Fixes for Version 16 VIP

    Hi Everyone, I have been playing V16 and have made some fixes for the World Database. The next two posts on this thread will be the SQL queries and then the change log. Post 1: These queries can run as many times as you like and you shouldn't get any problems. Post 2: Will be a the master...
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    Database Fixes for Version 13.1 VIP

    No where. They rarely let me leave work. Am sure if they could legally do it they would chain me up over night there. Not dead. Read the PSA below As long as you don't become a stalker we should be fine. PSA: I am an essential worker and a single parent. I get very little time to myself...
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    Database Fixes for Version 13.1 VIP

    Thank you... I only tend to post more when I have about 50 lines of sql to add, so don't really expect a lot of changes (as work does get in the way of this fun)
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    Database Fixes for Version 13.1 VIP

    You're welcome.
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    Database Fixes for Version 13.1 VIP

    As soon as you press run, the changes are made. You do not need to save the query at all.
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    Database Fixes for Version 13.1 VIP

    Thanks @Jenniy it's always nice to be appreciated. To start with you need an sql editor program like Navicat or HeidiSQL. I personally use Navicat. Once you have the program downloaded and installed: - Turn on the MySQL server for the repack - Open the program - Make a new connection using...
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    Database Fixes for Version 13.1 VIP

    You're quite welcome Guess who's back. Back again. Dolgan's Back! Thank you friend. (Too be fair never actually left, but I am an essential worker during these pandemic times, so just been busy IRL)
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    Database Fixes for Version 13.1 VIP

    Master Change Log See below for the Master Change Log. This post will be updated each update. Removed duplicated Auras x 8 Removed GM commands that don't exist x 2 Quest: Kyle's Gone Missing! (ID: 11129) Moved Kyle the Friendly's (ID: 23622) thank message to correct npc Removed non...
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    Database Fixes for Version 13.1 VIP

    SQL Queries The following listed queries can be run as many times as you like. UPDATE `creature_template_addon` SET `auras`='' WHERE (`entry`='36578'); UPDATE `creature_template_addon` SET `auras`='' WHERE (`entry`='36681'); UPDATE `creature_template_addon` SET `auras`='' WHERE...
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    Database Fixes for Version 13.1 VIP

    Hi Everyone, With the release of Version 13.1 for VIP members, I have continued to make database fixes and am sharing them all with you. The next two posts on this thread will be the SQL queries and then the change log. Post 1: These queries can run as many times as you like and you...
  12. D

    Game crashing

    Which Draenei zone? and VIP is on Version 13 at the moment, so a monumental amount of differences in stability, I would say it is worth it.
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    [SUGGESTIONS] About the npcbots system

    Personally I would like it if the bots mounted when a Druid went into flight form.
  14. D

    GM Teleport for Emerald Dream and Test Area

    Hey got bored so thought I would throw out some sql queries to add to the teleports. These have been tested with the latest VIP release (Version 12) of 4.3.4 Game client from: 4.3.4 Download - FULL CLIENT - Torrent - Cataclysm Download (No Background downloader First up: An area that has...
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    [V12] Flight landing and other bug

    No Worries Also, the spirit healer one. It sends you to the wrong place when you die. The spirit healer is actually just above the G of Goldshire on the map, roughly 39.4 60.5
  16. D

    [V12] Flight landing and other bug

    I have noticed that for some reason flight paths are setting off anticheat. If you are not intending to make your server public and are just playing solo, you can stop the flight path crashing by disabling anti-cheat kicks. set Anticheat.Action = 0 in worldserver.conf Not an ideal soloution...