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  1. Z

    V14 - Angry Scrubbing Bubbles

    Supposedly fixed on 13.1 [Location, Faction, Race]Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Undead - Priest [Name, Type] Angry Scrubbing Bubbles, Quest [Problem Description] It does grab the quest unlike my last bug report. However, it grabs the quest every single time you kill an Angry Blight Slime. Even...
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    V14 - Relios the Relic Keeper

    Still continuing my journey through Silverpine Forest... [Location, Faction, Race] Silverpine Forest, Horde, Undead - Priest [Name, Type] Relios the Relic Keeper [Problem Description] Missing Portal behind npc Dalar Dawnweaver that takes you to Dalaran Crater in Hillsbrad Foothills for this...
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    V14 - What tomorrow brings

    Another in the quest chain with UI Alert problems. [Location, Faction, Race]Ruins of Gilneas, Horde, Undead - Priest [Name, Type] What Tomorrow Brings, Quest [Problem Description] Needs Alert UI on quest Acceptance/Completion [How it should work] Alert UI popup for quest Acceptance/Completion...
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    V14 - On Whose Orders

    Another easy fix I assume. [Location, Faction, Race]Ruins of Gilneas, Horde, Undead - Priest [Name, Type] On Whose Orders, Quest [Problem Description] Quest should popup in an Alert UI after accepting the quest Vengeance for our Soldiers instead of being on the Forward Commander Onslaught NPC...
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    V14 - Break in Communications: Dreadwatch Outpost

    [Location, Faction, Race] Ruins of Gilneas, Horde, Undead - Priest [Name, Type] Break in Communications: Dreadwatch Outpost, Quest [Problem Description] Quest completion requires going back to an npc when its supposed to be an Alert UI turn in. [How it should work] Player should be able to turn...
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    V11 (Hotfixed) - Seek and Destroy Quest

    This quest is still missing the UI Alert upon completion in V14. Cornered and Crushed quest is also still accepted from Sylvanas and not a UI Alert as well.
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    V11 (Hotfixed) - Lordaeron Quest

    This quest is still bugged as of V14.
  8. Z

    V14 - Rise Forsaken/No Escape

    Grouping these two together because of same NPC Agatha having some issues for both quests. [Location, Faction, Race] Silverpine Forest, Horde, Undead - Priest [Name, Type] Rise, Forsaken No Escape, Quests [Problem Description] Agatha is still set as aggressive. She will attack enemy units...
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    V14 - Steel Thunder (Minor Issue)

    [Location, Faction, Race] Silverpine Forest, Horde, Undead - Priest [Name, Type] Steel Thunder, Quest [Problem Description] You need Sea Dog to pick up the crates and it does not spawn automatically at quest acceptance. You have to speak with Admiral Hatchet and say you lost your Sea Dog. [How...
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    V14 - Iterating Upon Success

    [Location, Faction, Race] Silverpine Forest, Horde, Undead Priest [Name, Type] Iterating Upon Success, Quest [Problem Description] Couple issues. The Vile Fin Tidehunter doesn't count for the 50 killed Murlocs. Also when the bat you ride on for the quest heads back to the bathandler you're...
  11. Z

    The Trek Continues V13

    [Location, Faction, Race] Eastern Plaguelands, Horde, Undead [Name, Type] The Trek Continues, Quest [Problem Description] The option to ride Fiona's Caravan to the next destination does nothing. [How it should work] Clicking Ride Fiona's Caravan to the next destination should obviously take you...
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    Latent Disease Quest V13

    [Location, Faction, Race]Western Plaguelands, Horde, Blood Elf [Name, Type] Latent Disease, Quest [Problem Description] Plague Tangles don't spawn on death from killing diseased bears so quest is not possible to complete. [How it should work] You should be able to kill diseased bears and get...
  13. Z

    In Defense of Krom'gar Fortress (V13)

    [Location, Faction, Race]Stone Talon Mountains, Horde, Blood Elf [Name, Type] In Defense of Krom'gar Fortress, Quest [Problem Description] Goblin Heavy Guns aren't spawned thus the quest is not completeable. Also quest lists Phin Odelic Worgen slain. Should be Gnomish Flying Machine. [How it...
  14. Z

    To the Rescue Quest

    [Location, Faction, Race]Ashenvale, Horde, Blood Elf [Name, Type] To the Rescue, Quest [Problem Description] Quest doesn't work properly. Kodo does some of the animation stuff in moving to Splintertree Post and then just stops. Supposed to be a whole Night Elf battle with orcs as well. Quest...
  15. Z

    4.3.4 V13 Mail System broken

    I can't confirm this bug report. My mail works just fine. I receive mail from various WoW NPCs for quests or whatever and I've been sending mail between alts for mats. I am on a fresh install of V13 and I do use the addon Postal though.
  16. Z

    V13 Hillsbrad Foothills

    [Location, Faction, Race]Hillsbrad Foothills, Horde, Undead [Name, Type] Glorious Harvest, Quest [Problem Description] This quest is doable but very time consuming. Half the bears don't spawn with infested eggs and those that do have very little. The eggs can also only be harvested when the...
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    V13 Silverpine Forest Quest Bugs

    This zone needs some loving. :) [Location, Faction, Race]Silverpine Forest, Horde, Undead [Name, Type] Steel Thunder, Quest [Problem Description] No Seadog is given on quest accept to carry the cargo. You have to talk to the quest giver and say you lost your sea dog. Otherwise...
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    V13 Skitterweb Menace

    Okay thats a good suggestion I didn't think of doing. Testing now Edit: Yep it works properly. I'll have a list of other bugs in silverpine forest posted soon though. Mostly minor stuff on quests.
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    V13 Skitterweb Menace

    Copy & Paste of my V11 Post. ExO You said it was fixed for V12 but its same as V11 was on V13. I didn't try the V12 pack so I can't say if it was working on there. [Location, Faction, Race]Silverpine Forest, Horde, Played as Undead [Name, Type] Skitterweb Menace, Quest [Problem...
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    V11 (Hotfixed) - Coach Crosscheck NPC

    [Location, Faction, Race]Lost Isles by Oostan on lost peak, Horde, Goblin [Name, Type] Coach Crosscheck, NPC [Problem Description] He has some garbled text at the beginning and end of a couple quests. [How it should work] He shouldn't garble text. He has garbled text after at least 2 of the...