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  1. Z

    V11 (Hotfixed) - Lost Isles Herb/Ore spawns

    [Location, Faction, Race]Lost Isles, Horde, Goblin [Name, Type] Herb/Ore, Resource Spawns [Problem Description] I haven't seen any herb or ore spawns on the Lost Isles whatsoever. Not sure if fishing is affected as well. [How it should work] There should be herb and ore spawns on Lost Isles
  2. Z

    V11 (Hotfixed) - Seek and Destroy Quest

    [Location, Faction, Race]Silverpine Forest, Sepulcher, Horde, Undead [Name, Type] Seek and Destroy, Quest [Problem Description] Should have a UI Alert on quest completion instead of having the player complete at Sylvanas. Also missing next quest in chain. [How it should work] UI Alert on quest...
  3. Z

    V11 (Hotfixed) - Excising the Taint Quest

    [Location, Faction, Race]Silverpine Forest, The Sepulcher, Horde, Undead [Name, Type] Excising the Taint, Quest [Problem Description] Killing a Bloodfang Stalker should trigger the quest. No quest appears on killing. Bloodfang Stalker should also have a Red Exclamation point as an indicator...
  4. Z

    V11 (Hotfixed) - Lordaeron Quest

    [Location, Faction, Race]Silverpine Forest, Forsaken High Command, Horde, Undead [Name, Type] Lordaeron, Quest [Problem Description] You're supposed to accompany Sylvanas on a ride to the next area in Silverpine Forest the Sepulcher. The quest works if you are patient enough to just sit there...
  5. Z

    V11 (Hotfixed) - Warlock Pets

    [Location, Faction, Race]Horde, Blood Elf Warlock is what I tried [Name, Type] Voidwalker/Felguard pet summon [Problem Description] The imp works correctly and assists you in combat before the warlock learns the control demon passive at level 10. The Voidwalker and Felguard however seem to be...
  6. Z

    V11 (Hotfixed) - NPC AI

    [Location, Faction, Race]Silverpine Forest, Horde, Undead [Name, Type] Rise, Forsaken Quest, Agatha NPC [Problem Description] Agatha the NPC that follows you to raise undead is very aggressive in regards to attacking enemy mobs in range. [How it should work] Pretty sure she should be passive and...
  7. Z

    V11 (Hotfixed) - Skitterweb Menace Quest

    [Location, Faction, Race]Silverpine Forest, Horde, Played as Undead [Name, Type] Skitterweb Menace, Quest [Problem Description]Quest works fine, but it has the player going back to Warlord Torok for turn in. [How it should work] Quest is supposed to end with a UI Alert to finish and lead into...
  8. Z

    V11 (Hotfixed) - Therisa Sallow

    [Location, Faction, Race]Tirisfal Glades (Calston Estate), Horde, Undead [Name, Type] Therisa Sallow, Profession Trainer [Problem Description] She is a profession trainer but offers nothing for training. I tried several categories herbalism, engineering, tailoring, and nothing is present for...