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  1. Likon69

    V14 Quest bug 27985.

    Eastern Kingdoms, Searing Gorge, Alliance, Humain. it on quest. QuestName=Prayer to Elune QuestId=27985 Giver=Zamael Lunthistle GiverId=8436 I can't find this quest on wowherad. We have to go and look for a chests but it's not there.
  2. Likon69

    V14 Quest bug 27983.

    Eastern Kingdoms, Searing Gorge, Alliance, Humain. quest. Lunk never followed you with all the quest in this area on the side of the alliance or the horde. Even then, you take the...
  3. Likon69

    V14 NPC bug 27965 Overseer Oilfist

    Eastern Kingdoms, Searing Gorge, Alliance, Humain. npc. The same goes for the horde. It bugs too. So I'm going to return this quest and on the way I see on mini maps...
  4. Likon69

    V14 Quest bug 27965

    Eastern Kingdoms, Searing Gorge, Alliance, Humain. quest. I will finish both questions before this one to get the rest. But the npc doesn't give me a quest. I do a server reboot and delete the cache. NPC giver quest...
  5. Likon69

    Count To 2.000

  6. Likon69

    Character and NPC Models HD For Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) VIP GOLD

    She's a miss. Be careful what you say, sir^^
  7. Likon69

    V14 Item bug.

    Eastern Kingdoms, Eastern Plaguelands, Alliance, Humain. item. This item should teleport us to Light's Hope Chapel. But we stay put and the item disappears
  8. Likon69

    V14 Quest bug.

    Eastern Kingdoms, Eastern Plaguelands, Alliance, Humain. quest. normally you can return it without going to the NPC
  9. Likon69

    V14 Quest bug.

    Eastern Kingdoms, Eastern Plaguelands, Alliance, Humain. quest. normally you can return it without going to the NPC
  10. Likon69

    V14 Quest bug.

    Today I have succeeded in completing this quest. I'm sorry for a bad report. I don't understand
  11. Likon69

    V14 Quest bug.

    Eastern Kingdoms, Eastern Plaguelands, Alliance, Humain. quest. normally you can return it without going to the NPC
  12. Likon69

    V14 Quest bug.

    Eastern Kingdoms, Eastern Plaguelands, Alliance, Humain. quest. quest. normally you can return it without going to the NPC
  13. Likon69

    V14 Quest bug.

    How do I finish this question? Because I really need to do it :(
  14. Likon69

    V14 Quest bug.

    Eastern Kingdoms, Eastern Plaguelands, Alliance, Humain. quest. Impossible to return it to the npc. While in the quest list it is complete.
  15. Likon69

    V14 Quest bug.

    Eastern Kingdoms, Eastern Plaguelands, Alliance, Humain. quest. impossible to collect item 12887
  16. Likon69

    V14 Quest bug.

    Eastern Kingdoms, Eastern Plaguelands, Alliance, Humain. quest. normally you can return it without going to the NPC
  17. Likon69

    WoWPlus Lua Engine (Hack 4.3.4)

  18. Likon69

    V14 Quest bug.

    Eastern Kingdoms, Western Plaguelands, Alliance, Humain. quest. An animation must begin and an angel must come and lead us. to finish the quest I have to restart the server
  19. Likon69

    V14 Quest bug.

    Eastern Kingdoms, Western Plaguelands, Alliance, Humain. quest. normally you can return it without going to the NPC
  20. Likon69

    V14 Quest bug.

    Eastern Kingdoms, Western Plaguelands, Alliance, Humain. quest. normally you can return it without going to the NPC