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  1. Likon69

    hacked stories

    Good question. I gave my account for several years. Mail and everything was modified. After a while I wanted to play again. I contact blizzard and say that I got hacked. He gave me my account back :D
  2. Likon69

    WoW Bot Rotation DPS, BC, WOTLK,MOP,WOD,LEGION. (no Cata, Vanilla and SL)

    It doesn't work for me either :(
  3. Likon69

    WoW Bot Rotation DPS, BC, WOTLK,MOP,WOD,LEGION. (no Cata, Vanilla and SL)

    I will look. Give me your discord and I will take a closer look at the problem.
  4. Likon69

    WoW Bot Rotation DPS, BC, WOTLK,MOP,WOD,LEGION. (no Cata, Vanilla and SL)

    the game should reload automatically. Which server are you playing on?
  5. Likon69

    Count To 2.000

    800!!! Nice all
  6. Likon69

    Count To 2.000

  7. Likon69

    Count To 2.000

  8. Likon69

    V15 One npc missing

    Eastern Kingdoms, Wetlands , Alliance, Humain. this npc must be in a cave. X="-3952.198" Y="-2359.687" Z="18.20803" Can you add it to the game, it gives an onject to launch a quest. Thanks
  9. Likon69

    Count To 2.000

  10. Likon69

    WoW Bot Rotation DPS, BC, WOTLK,MOP,WOD,LEGION. (no Cata, Vanilla and SL)

    look at the descreption to see which versions are compatible^^
  11. Likon69

    Count To 2.000

  12. Likon69

    ProjectSkyFire 5.4.8 MoP Repack

    Good luck to you!
  13. Likon69

    Count To 2.000

  14. Likon69

    Count To 2.000

  15. Likon69

    Count To 2.000

  16. Likon69

    Count To 2.000

    hahaha I think so too! Same taiming. It's funny twice in a row 751
  17. Likon69

    WORKING CATACLYSM 4.3.4 Honorbuddy [old wow] - Cataclysm 4 3 4

    Have fun playing! if you encounter a bug, please let me know.
  18. Likon69

    [Release]Honorbuddy 4.3.4, Pangaea lvl 1-85 (Grind) AFK100%

    is grind profiles for Honorbuddy. I don't recommend using grind. You'll get banned quickly. Use the quest profile I share in Honorbuddy pack.
  19. Likon69

    Count To 2.000

    743 hahaha