Search results

  1. Blackvision

    Gleaming Treasure Chest | Timeless Isle

    You're able to loot this chest over and over, meaning that you can exploit it, and get endless of timeless coins. Im not sure if this goes for all chests on the island. 533529 (Entry: 220901) - [Gleaming Treasure Chest X:-877.109009 Y:-5275.129883 Z:26.014400 MapId:870]
  2. Blackvision

    [WTS] Warmane Account | MoP & Wotlk |

    bump .....
  3. Blackvision

    Count To 2.000

  4. Blackvision

    Count To 2.000

  5. Blackvision

    Count To 2.000

  6. Blackvision

    Addon Playerbots

    Great release mate :) Can't wait to see the makeover later on :)
  7. Blackvision

    [NPC] Darkened Horrors

    The Darkened Horrors only have 1 HP Quest
  8. Blackvision

    [Other] Bidden to Greatness | Faulty Gates |

    The gates during this quest Bidden to Greatness, open / closes at random times, which makes it difficult to progress. 540346 (Entry: 211282) - [Mandori Village Gate X:695.260010 Y:3600.989990 Z:142.380997 MapId:860] 540359 (Entry: 210965) - [Mandori Village Gate X:695.260010 Y:3600.989990...
  9. Blackvision

    [Other] Gilneas (starting zone)

    If you don't do the whole Worgen starter area in one sitting, when you log back in you're in an empty instance. Phase issue perhaps ?
  10. Blackvision

    [WTS] Warmane Account | MoP & Wotlk |

    Bump .....
  11. Blackvision

    WoD - Do you like it? - Yes or No? (POLL)

    Nope. I prefer MoP
  12. Blackvision

    Count To 2.000

  13. Blackvision

    [Other] Dungeon - Random Normal

    The random normal option is missing, you can only pick out a specific dungeon, or random hc. EDIT : Only happens for max level characters
  14. Blackvision

    Count To 2.000

    Start over ? 1052