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  1. H

    Eclipse Bar Druid 10.1

    Still bugged in V11 ....
  2. H

    Pets mechanics

    Bugged in V11...
  3. H

    Mage - Shatter 10.1

    [Location, Faction, Race]--- [Name, Type] Shatter [Problem Description] Doesn't seem to be working. With the current build I have 17% crit + 8% crit from Improved Fireblast and the critical chance on frozen targets should be 3*25 = ~75% 2019-04-20 15-23-56 - Streamable [How it should work]...
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    List of buffs and debuffs V10.1

    [Location, Faction, Race]--- [Name, Type] Ill write below the spells [Problem Description] Many buffs and debuffs that have the same effect stack [How it should work] They should be visible on the target, but they should never stack when they have the same effect Example: If a player has...
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    Mage - Orbs 10.1

    [Location, Faction, Race]--- [Name, Type] Flame Orb and Frostfire Orb [Problem Description] Both orbs hit the target twice per hit. One of the spells seems to come from the player and the other from the orb itself. [How it should work] They should hit once per hit, and it should be from the orb...
  6. H

    Mage - Molten Shields

    [Location, Faction, Race]-- [Name, Type] Molten Shields [Problem Description] Purging/Spellstealing Mage Ward procs Blazing Speed [How it should work] It should only proc when it dissipates from absorbing damage 10.1
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    Shaman - Ancestral Awakening 10.1

    [Location, Faction, Race]--- [Name, Type] Ancestral Awakening [Problem Description] It currently scales with Restoration Shaman's Mastery and with Nature's Blessing [How it should work] Should not scale with anything, it should always be a flat 30% of the critical amount healed
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    Shaman - Nature's Blessing

    [Location, Faction, Race]--- [Name, Type] Nature's Blessing [Problem Description] It currently ignores Riptide HoT ( Streamable ) [How it should work] Nature's Blessing should affect Riptide's HoT if Riptide is used with Earth Shield up. ( here you can see...
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    Arena Teams and Members

    [Location, Faction, Race]--- [Name, Type] Arena teams / members [Problem Description] It bugs out after relogging (from what i've seen) . Imgur: The magic of the Internet [How it should work] That should never happen. 10.1
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    Arena bug that makes it unplayable

    [Location, Faction, Race]Every arena in the game (excluding Ring of Valor) [Name, Type] I think it has something to do with the doors that are opening when the arena starts. [Problem Description] Line of Sight problems appear in the arena room and around the doors. ( arena los - Streamable )...
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    Warrior Talent 10.1

    [Location, Faction, Race]--- [Name, Type] It's a problem with either Lambs to the Salughter or Rend itself [Problem Description] The talent resets Rend duration when Mortal Strike is used, but it also does Rend's initial damage. ( you can see here that after i used...
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    Petmoveto 10.1

    [Location, Faction, Race]Every class that has a pet [Name, Type] Petmoveto [Problem Description] Player is able to move the pets even though they are rooted. ( ) [How it should work] Shouldn't be able to move pets when they are rooted.
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    Pets mechanics

    [Location, Faction, Race]--- [Name, Type] Every class that has a pet with spells. [Problem Description] A pet should start follow and/or attack the target that the spell trying to be casted on. Example(1): Using Shadow Bite with a Felhunter; the Felhunter should go to the target and get in...
  14. H

    Flame Orb/ Frostfire Orb 10.1

    [Location, Faction, Race]--- [Name, Type] Frostfire Orb and Flame Orb [Problem Description] It doesn't slow down when it hits an enemy target. ( orb - Streamable ) [How it should work] Should always slow down after hitting any target.
  15. H

    Eclipse Bar Druid 10.1

    [Location, Faction, Race]--- [Name, Type] Eclipse bar, probably something to do with Lunar Shower [Problem Description] The player doesn't get any more Energy from Moonfire after the solar state is over. ( ) [How it should work] Should always get Energy when Lunar...
  16. H

    DK - Resilient Grip 10.1

    [Location, Faction, Race]--- [Name, Type] Resilient Grip (glyph) [Problem Description] It doesn't reset Death Grip cooldown if the spell is immune. ( Streamable ) [How it should work] It should reset cooldown if Death Grip is immune.
  17. H

    Global Cooldown 10.1

    [Location, Faction, Race]--- [Name, Type] Global Cooldown [Problem Description] Spell queue being really weird, spells are not put in queue when pressed just a moment before the global cooldown is up. ( ) [How it should work] It should put the spell in queue if its...
  18. H

    Spirit Link Totem targets

    [Location, Faction, Race]-- [Name, Type] Spirit Link Totem [Problem Description] Problem 1: It ignores the players in friendly smoke bomb. ( Streamable ) Problem 2: It takes in consideration a Cycloned player. ( link clone - Streamable ) [How it should work] Problem 1: It should only ignore the...
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    Traps for hunters

    [Location, Faction, Race]-- [Name, Type] Snake Trap, Ice Trap, Freezing Trap, Immolation Trap, Explosive Trap [Problem Description] Traps have very low delay before they go off. ( ) [How it should work] Traps should have 2 second delay after using any trap spell...
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    Ring of Frost v10.1

    [Location, Faction, Race]-- [Name, Type] Ring of Frost [Problem Description] It doesn't go off if the player is in any kind of CC or in Ice Block. ( ring of frost - Streamable ) [How it should work] It should go off ALL the time except when the player is cycloned. ( Just a moment... at 24:51...