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  1. F

    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

    Hello, everything seems to work well for now. But I'd like to know, where are the savegames located? Thanks for the help.
  2. F

    ProjectSkyFire 5.4.8 MoP Repack

  3. F

    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

    Hello, I downloaded the repack and ran it, it worked, it seems it is either the update or the hotfix that screws everything. Maybe the update files are corrupted. Now that I can finally play this, I have a few questions. 1. Is this complete? All content from vanilla up to Wrath of the Lich...
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    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

    Already got them all installed, any ideas what could it be? Maybe it's jut the .conf files that are not properly edited. Could you please, share both .conf files as how they should be for the repack to work? And where to store them? Main folder, "config" folder or "configs" folder? The update...
  5. F

    Zaicopx AzerothCore Single Player Repack

    Hello, I hope someone can help me. I am new to WoW private server repacks. I have downloaded the AzerothCore Single Player Repack and its patches on But whenever I try launching the "Worldserver.exe" it simply shut down right away. I extracted the repack, then the update...