Search results

  1. Galgamere

    [Other] [Dungeon] The Mechanaar

    The dungeons pop up quests do not appear at all. Also drop rates on items seem non-existent, a little bit of gold and then boss drops.
  2. Galgamere

    [Quest] Raging Spirits

    Auchenai Crypts. There are only 3 Raging Skeletons within the dungeon to kill. Quest requires 5.
  3. Galgamere

    [Quest] Eyes of Desire

    Sethekk Halls Cobalt Eyes, not dropping from Cobalt Serpent.
  4. Galgamere

    [Quest] [+NPC] Rescuing the Epedition. Windcaller Claw.

    Windcaller Claw does not become a friendly target after a bit of DPS, just continues to attack, and then gets killed. Cannot finish quest due to this reason.
  5. Galgamere

    Containment is Key

    The Steamvault Irradiated Gear, does not drop from Mekgineer Steamrigger.
  6. Galgamere

    The Heart of the Matter

    The Slave Pens. The Invader's Claw does not drop from Rokmar the Crackler.
  7. Galgamere

    [Other] Zangamarsh PVP - Twin Spire

    Upon capturing the towers, <error> appears in chat. There are 2 Scouts stacked on top of each other at either flag. You also cannot attack the opposing factions scout to kill it. (Can't remember if that last bit was intentional, though seems weird.)
  8. Galgamere

    Non attackable NPCs in Blood Furnace

    Unattackable NPC in The Blood Furnace. Unsure of mob name. I think they're Nascent Fel Orc's. Counted 6 in total.
  9. Galgamere

    [Quest] A Very Special Cloth

    Shattered Halls O'mrogg's Warclotch, does not drop. from Warbringer O'mrogg.
  10. Galgamere

    [Quest] Hitting them where it hurts.

    The Hellfire Supplies in Ramparts are not available to complete quest.
  11. Galgamere

    Stuck in combat in some dungeons.

    Had the issue now with Razorfen Kraul, and Hellfire Ramparts. At some point after killing mobs, you will remain in combat, despite taking no damage or seeing nearby mobs. Even with a full clear, you will remain in combat. A mob stuck under the floor following maybe?
  12. Galgamere

    Time out in Battlegrounds.

    Cheers. I see it's recommended to not do so. Little odd given the premise of having these bots. Oh well.
  13. Galgamere

    Random PVP BG queue delay.

    May take 4 or 5 times accepting entry to BG, before it will enter. Either kicks the join, or sits and does nothing. Tried this with both solo and group.
  14. Galgamere

    Time out in Battlegrounds.

    Arathi Basin for 1. Unsure of others. The BG will time out as it is not recognising the bots as players. BG will only last 5 mins because of this.