Search results

  1. R

    orb of culmination (V13.1)

    here the orb cannot be activated, therefore it cannot enter the phase to liverar the dragon "nefarian". is a dungeon is not as important as others, but here it is so you know that it exists. PD: I report the problems, so they know they...
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    [VIP 6.3] Culling of Sratholme

    in version 13.1 it is already corrected
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    Strand of the Ancients (v13.1)

    The BG is fully functional. Only the boats have the aforementioned error. If it can be corrected, it would be perfect.
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    ICC Freeze error (V13.1)

    Everything works correctly even when we enter the ships, both ships disappear and with this the server freezes or closes: with this when the ship disappears the characters remain floating without doing anything...
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    Tol Barad (v13.1)

    Druid error, when in flight form and using the portal to tol barad, it can fly there when no one should be able to fly there. also Druida tank does not take all the "agro"
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    Strand of the Ancients (v13.1)

    I realized that not only are these ships not responding correctly, there are also ships in darnasuss that leave the player bared.
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    Problems with "Wintergraps" (V13.1)

    Great thanks, would you just have to update the "world" database right?
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    The server crashes with some command (V13.1) [Solucionado]

    of course, since it is for the benefit of all. and much appreciated. Although personally I would give priority to the Bugs.
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    the server crashes with the teleporter: (V13.1) [Solucionado]

    they are good some freeze server:
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    Problems with "Wintergraps" (V13.1)

    effectively, the "NPC = 30499" is enough just to add it in the place and everything works correctly except the relic of tiran, here I leave the id: object=192829 cannot be tapped to earn "wintergrasp". I think maybe a value in the database should be changed from the object's "flag".
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    the server crashes with the teleporter: (V13.1) [Solucionado]

    I just realized that I made a mistake in uploading the screenshot, because I had to add others. but the error is simple, the teleporter npc "ID: 190000" only transports to some places and to others freezes the server (with the above error).
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    Strand of the Ancients (v13.1)

    Description: The boats approach the beach in intermittent turns (Once one approaches the beach and the other boat does not move and in another game the one that does not move moves and the other remains static) Possible solution, but I don't know how to correct it: Change the starting position...
  13. R

    Tol Barad (v13.1)

    Description: Sometimes alliance characters appear behind the door and cannot enter Possible solution, but I don't know how to correct it: change the starting position upon entering Tol barad for all PCs to appear in front of the door. PD: I report the problems, so...
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    Battle for Glineas (V13.1)

    Battle for Glineas (V13.1) Description: When trying to capture the opposite flag, it does not change, therefore the game cannot be won. PD: I report the problems, so they know they exist and in future updates try to make them work. I use...
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    Echo of Tyrande in End Time (V13.1)

    NPC ID: 54544 NPC Name: Echo of Tyrande Position: 2828.888916 52.731396 1.331623 Description: The NPC is invulnerable, so the game mechanics cannot be performed. PD: I report the problems, so they know they exist and in future updates try to make them work. I use...
  16. R

    Problems with "Wintergraps" (V13.1)

    Problems with "Wintergraps" Everything is correct and working fine except for 3 things: 1.- "NPC ID 30499" are not added and must be added manually. 2.- NPC soldiers do not return to their initial position once winter begins. 3.- The sphere in the center cannot be touched to win wintergraps...
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    The server crashes with some command (V13.1) [Solucionado]

    The server crashes with some command (we have not yet discovered what it is) I will leave here all the information we have: Info of DBErrors.log: ERROR Creature (GUID: 0 Entry: 42736) has duplicate aura (spell 79651) in `auras` field. ERROR Creature (GUID: 0 Entry...
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    the server crashes with the teleporter: (V13.1) [Solucionado]

    the server crashes with the teleporter: the problem was solved when I changed the model of the "teleporter" But I took it out (just leaving it on gm island to avoid trouble)
  19. R

    Mission: While Hyjal Burns. (V13.1)

    NPC ID: Entry: 39140 GPS: Position 7791.060059 -2445.540039 489.582988 Mission: While Hyjal Burns. Description: When I take the dragon Aronus, it returns and crosses a portal, and the loading screen appears, when I appear there, I appear without a dragon therefore I fall from the heights and my...
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    Count to 1000...
