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  1. Blackvision

    [UPDATED] MOP 5.4.8 Working Armory - FREE - No CMS

    I'm sure that it will be of use for many
  2. Blackvision

    [NPC] Heartstone | V2

    You cant set your heartstone to either Shrine of two moons or seven stars.
  3. Blackvision


    I'll gladly take some advice on this :) Been trying to get it to work. Was rather easy back in cata, mop, not so much
  4. Blackvision

    [Other] Zen Pilgrimage | Spell | V2 |

    Player report. Class: Monk The Zen pilgrimage does not return user. return buff and spell are not reset upon leaving peak via the org/sw portals Casting return while at peak does not return player cast return while out in the world does nothing, and user can then cast zp again to go to peak...
  5. Blackvision

    [Other] Pet battles | V2 |

    Player report When completing a pet battle xp is not granted like it should.
  6. Blackvision

    Count To 2.000

  7. Blackvision

    MoP 5.4.8 FULL Client - Windows & MacOs

    Thank you mate :) Just what I was looking for.
  8. Blackvision

    Count To 2.000

  9. Blackvision


    Join our new MoP realm Wildhammer ! Updated main thread!
  10. Blackvision

    Count To 2.000

    1245 🤦‍♀️
  11. Blackvision

    24023 Queen Angerboda Script Fix

    in English mate
  12. Blackvision

    Count To 2.000

  13. Blackvision

    AddOn Playersbot New! - MoP

    Thank you mate :)
  14. Blackvision

    Simple Registration Page for TrinityCore 3.3.5a | SRP6 Support | Reshare

    Sorry guys. But I can't be of any assist, as this is just a Reshare.
  15. Blackvision

    [WTS] Warmane Account | MoP & Wotlk |

    Bump .....
  16. Blackvision

    [WTS] Warmane Account | MoP & Wotlk |

    bump .......