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  1. Sikuri

    [GUIDE] How to migrate accounts & characters to latest VIP Version /Save accs & chars

    Pretty sure you click to select the MOP_Characters table on the left, then execute the SQL queries by clicking the blue play button and running.
  2. Sikuri

    Issue Starting up Auth and world server after Migration to V4 MoP

    @Gnarlsbarkly did you make any progress?
  3. Sikuri

    Issue Starting up Auth and world server after Migration to V4 MoP

    Hi there, I am having this same issue. Does anyone have any information on this?
  4. Sikuri

    Latest HD + NPC Models Patch 100% complete for Cataclysm 4.3.4 VIP GOLD ONLY

    You said you’ve done HD player and NPC models, where can I find these? Thanks
  5. Sikuri

    Latest HD + NPC Models Patch 100% complete for Cataclysm 4.3.4 VIP GOLD ONLY

    Hi @Jivani19, did I read somewhere that you are going to do the same HD models for MoP?
  6. Sikuri

    [Solved] Having trouble entering my own realm

    Hi there, Did you find a fix for this?
  7. Sikuri

    CLOSED 5.4.8 Blizzlike Mists of Pandaria - v1.7 - [EmuCoach's Official Repack]

    What happened to this project? Loss of support / resources? This was a huge release
  8. Sikuri

    WoW Client issues - MacOS 64-Bit

    Thanks Exo, this is going to be exactly what I need!
  9. Sikuri

    WoW Client issues - MacOS 64-Bit

    Guys, guys! I downloaded the No Downloader Client that @Likon69 linked in the shoutout box, and added the 64-bit Mac app to that, which runs great! One last issue though, every NPC is random, and nothing is clickable. I think it might be the Database? Though, could still be the client. I tried...
  10. Sikuri

    WoW Client issues - MacOS 64-Bit

    Wow, this is great stuff. I'll continue looking into things, thanks @samusarun Thanks @ExO, the guide will help other players. I am assuming that even with the extra work you did, your client still has some sort of issues?
  11. Sikuri

    WoW Client issues - MacOS 64-Bit

    Hello, So I have downloaded a full Mac client for 4.3.4, added in the WoW-64 bit app for Mac that can be found around. When starting, the client wants the download archive data (even though the data is full download). So I edited .mfil file to add CDN of Twinstar. Now when in game, the client...
  12. Sikuri

    Completing Quests

    Hello there. So I had an issue where my repack shat itself, I lost character data/character data was mixed up between characters on an account. Anyways, I simply unzipped a new V9.1 repack. I levelled up the two main characters on the last server to where they were. Now I want to know how to...
  13. Sikuri

    What Repack?

    Hey there all! I am curious, what repack are you running, and how stable is it? We all know that EmuCoach Official 4.3.4 is the best, but other people may be here, running something different. If you are running a repack, what is it? do you have links to share? I figure this could help people...
  14. Sikuri

    EmuCoach V9.1 Crashing - Access_Violation

    Hello, Today I have been experiencing a lot of random crashing. Here is the crash report: Revision: EmuCoach ver. 68088001810c+ 2018-07-08 10:03:32 +0200 (master branch) (Win32, Release) Date 19:11:2018. Time 11:11 //===================================================== *** Hardware ***...
  15. Sikuri

    VIP 9.1 Repack - Players Disconnect

    Hello, I am running the latest VIP 9.1 repack from this site. I have two friends outside my network that connect in to play. They constantly get kicked from the server after 10 minutes or so of play. I know it's not the repack, as I created a new server, different repack, and get the same...