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    [Loot] Loot on Timeless Isle

    Well actually the leather drop like 95% and mail 5%, we don't see any cloth and plate. So maybe ur GM using a different version than us but we are actually stucking by getting a lot of leather, this is useless especially when you play pal or mage : And this is only on 1 character !!!
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    Playerbots don't use flying mount in Pandaria

    PlayerBots using flying mount for follow player except to pandaria, they try to flying run without mount for follow. They certainly missing:
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    [Other] Mount Icons

    I think warmane use modified client. Look on retail - go directly to 0.49 and see :
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    [Other] Mount Icons

    For the next expansion you're true but for MoP expansion the mount missing visual wasn't available if my memories from retail are good.
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    Gleaming Treasure Chest | Timeless Isle

    It don't happen to me, verify you're not with gm on
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    Amount of Conquest point after battleground win

    The amount of conquest point after battleground win should be 150 for the first daily one and 75 for the other ones. Actually, every battleground win give only 45 conquest points. The setting : Battleground.RewardWinnerConquestFirst in world.conf don't work, even by testing applying multiples...
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    Playerbots don't join arena and rated battleground

    No opponent group will be found after create a arena group or rated battleground group. How to reproduce : get 1 or multiples playerbots, join arena or rated battleground. No game found.
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    Playerbots warrior missing gear

    Every warriors playerbots don't equip any trinket. Even by using the command (.bot role 2) on warrior they never equip trinket. How to reproduce : Invit warrior playerbot in your group, check his stuff.
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    Playerbot don't join heroic scenario, flex raid

    All is in the title, as the playerbots don't role check, they can't join heroic scenario or flex raid. How to reproduce : Make a group with playerbots, try to join heroic scenario or flex raid.
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    [Loot] Loot on Timeless Isle

    I loot only leather too, i dropped only one mail chest and no other mail stuff. No plate, no cloth, no trinket. The koukourou chest loot only timeless coin and the monkey pet, i opened like 15 box and no gear
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    (2021/2022 UPDATED) Mists of Pandaria Blizzlike Repack (v.1) | Emucoach Christmas/New Year Edition

    My realm stay offline, any idea why ?Auth, World and mySQL launched and Already tested other clients, but still this issue.