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  1. Maze

    WorldServer Conf > Auction House Disabled Item List (VIP v13.1 Cata 4.3.4)

    Probably the best way to avoid this problem is to make those items unavailable to everyone. You could try to change flag and make the item deprecated or just raise up the required level to 86. e.g. UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=86 WHERE name like '%QA Test%'
  2. Maze

    V13 - As Hyjal Burns - ID 25316

    I don't know mate, just worked fine for me. /* Affected rows: 1 Found rows: 0 Warnings: 0 Duration for 1 query: 0,000 sec. */
  3. Maze

    V13 - As Hyjal Burns - ID 25316

    No worries, i guess the mechanic of the quest is scripted inside the core.
  4. Maze

    Count to 1000...

  5. Maze

    V13 - As Hyjal Burns - ID 25316

    This is a temp fix which skip dialogs/waypoints and port the player to Nordassil (Mount Hyjal). UPDATE smart_scripts SET action_type=62, action_param1=1, action_param2=0, target_type=7, target_x=5535.043, target_y=-3625.36, target_z=1566.94, target_o=2.224832 WHERE entryorguid=39140;
  6. Maze

    Count to 1000...

  7. Maze

    Count to 1000...

  8. Maze

    Count to 1000...

  9. Maze

    World Teleporter Sunken Temple CORRECTED location FIXED - SQL

    Thanks dude! Nice found Here are some fixes for wrong conditios or tp location : Just copy and paste it to yours world database /*Western Plaguelands 35,Badland 44*/ UPDATE `conditions` SET `ConditionValue1`='35' WHERE `SourceTypeOrReferenceId`=15 AND `SourceGroup`=51905 AND...
  10. Maze

    v13.1 Solocraft Raids

    Great!! Thank you :)
  11. Maze

    v13.1 Solocraft Raids

    If possible there is a way to disable the "solocraft" for the dungeons ? Even whit "LFG SoloMode" disabled from the world.conf , my health and damage will be adjusted based on the size of the group in dungeons.
  12. Maze

    Count to 1000...

  13. Maze

    v13.1 Solocraft Raids

    You will find it almost on the bottom. It's a new feature added in "vip Gold, solo & fun repack". It will just enable/disable the function for join dungeons alone through lfg system.
  14. Maze

    v13.1 Solocraft Raids

    No worries Exo. We are a small group of players and when i saw this new feature (solocraft), I was so excited to test the raids whit less players. But now seems more difficult than befor. Edit: Even whit LFG SoloMode disabled, is impossible to get into raid 10 difficulty Anyway I'll stay tune...
  15. Maze

    v13.1 Solocraft Raids

    I was also looking for a way to disable the system for the raids if possible... LMK Thank you!
  16. Maze

    v13.1 Solocraft Raids

    [Location, Faction, Race]Raids, All classes/races [Name, Type] Solocraft [Problem Description] The new system "solocraft" isn't working well. If you set the raid difficulty to 10 player nm, it will make the raid difficulty to 40. Since the raid whit 40 player doesnt exist in cata, the Hp of...
  17. Maze

    Count to 1000...

  18. Maze

    Count to 1000...

  19. Maze

    Deathknight Teleporter HACKFIX

    Really useful! Thank you!
  20. Maze

    V13 / Character Model change

    The quest has some some problem... Try to use the command " .unaura all " to fix the stealth bug.