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    Emucoach 5.4.8 Repack - Fully reworked Playerbot System (Battlegrounds, PVP, PvE)

    Where do i download the VIP file? you make it impossible to find everything i click just takes me to the "buy" page i did that already.
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    [Help] Create a Custom Vendor (MOP VIP V2)

    Yep, but that requires the modification of an existing NPC; at least for me. I tried adding in game shop items to an NPC and all the items are free and cannot be modified at least not in a way ive been able to figure out.
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    wowhead that is time period accurate to mists of pandaria?

    Is there a wowhead/thottbot etc style website period accurate for mists of pandaria?
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    Darkmoon faire?

    You guys could have warned me that literally nothing at the darkmoon faire works properly. lol like nothing at all. the canon wont launch you, the tonk doenst shoot properly, the gun shots at the target stop dont register; the whack a mole has no mobs popping in and out of the barrel. turtle...
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    Incorrect model in VIP MoP

    Pretty sure this is incorrect :D - image hosted cuz it was too large. NPC DB GUID 582787 Faction 31, flags 0, entry 61141 displayID 719 (native 719) position -3491.414062 -2248.052490 92.954201 Southern Barrens. Spawn time Min /Max is 2minutes, but after killing, it...
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    Count To 2.000

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    WoWHead/Thottbot etc time period frozen or time period accurate for Mists of Pandaria.

    Looking for a "frozen in time" data base website like wowhead for mists of pandaria.
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    Darkmoon faire?

    When I tele to darkmoon island everything is there but theres no npcs, no wild life, nothing just a big empty map... is that because its not done in VIP MoP, or is it always empty when the event isnt active? edit: also, it says harvest festival should be active... it is not... nor did it...
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    Bugged teleport to molten core via NPC Lothos Riftwaker #14387

    [Location, Faction, Race] Lothos Riftwaker #14387 bottom of the chain heading towards Black rock depth / molten core [Name, Type] Lothos Riftwaker NPC #14387 [Problem Description] The Quest ATTUNEMENT to the core works properly; giving him the ability "send me to the core" HOWEVER - the ability...
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    [Help] Create a Custom Vendor (MOP VIP V2)

    Did you ever figure this out? Im trying to do the same thing for the store mounts.
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    Bugged ability - Baron ashbury - shadowfang keep

    [Location, Faction, Race] Shadowfang keep, both, any [Name, Type] First Boss - Baron Ashbury, [Problem Description] His ability asphyxiate works as intended except one issue: you should be in a "stunned" state. [How it should work] You should not be able to attack or cast at all while his...
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    Darkmoon faire?

    Theres nothing in the calendar about darkmoon faire past may 2019 I am using the VIP MoP Version of the server. Does darkmoon faire still work, is there a way to start the event manually (as the GM)? Is there a way to have it appear in the Calendar (without messing with system date) ? If not...
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    Bad spawn time for NPC - full .NPC info listed. (breaks a quest)

    NPCs listed should have a spawn time of 5 seconds. Theyre 30 seconds in the database (but spawned 5minutes) I changed it to 5 seconds, restarted server, killed, waited, rekilled, as you can see, it says spawntime Full min: 5s, max: 5s remain 4m55s ??? its for a quest where in a cannon...
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    Broken Quest "The Disciple's Challenge" - easy fix.

    [Location, Faction, Race]Map name,And area name if possible, Player faction, Horde Or Alliance. The name of your race. Ie Undead, Human, Ect. If applicable include the gender as well. [Name, Type] Gurthalak, Voice of the Deeps, Item [Problem Description] It summons the Tentacle of the Old Ones...