i bought a previous version, do i have to buy v4 as well?
thanks for keeping this updated, i have new players asking to fix my server.
oh i see it, nvm yes you have to pay every year.
ahhh found it, looks like to make a gm account it has to be a higher level
account set gmlevel gmaccount 7 -1
summon worked, lets see if the server crashes :-D
I just tried it, I get "there is no such command"
I created a GM account (account set gmlevel USERNAME 3 -1)
then a toon with that account.
am i missing something?
ok the instant travel should work around the bug going forward.
however the toon is still messed up.
I havent done anything with GM or admin tools but can i summon an offline toon?
Attached are the crash files and the speccy system info sheet, server log is too large to upload, even zipped lol (i enabled higher logging to troubleshoot).
Location: Stranglethornvale -> IronForge
Faction: Alliance
Username: benzur
toonname: benzur
[Problem Description]
worldserver.exe crashes when this user attempts to select his character to play after login.
step 1
user logs into wow with userID benzur
step 2
user selects toon (also called)...