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  1. windygamer

    .modify reputation broken or am I confused?

    I'm used to the following commands: .lookup faction orgrimmar 1127.... [select self by clicking on badge at top left] .modify reputation 1127 exalted but I get Faction Orgrimmar (Alex Test) can't have reputation And when I try Darkspear it seems like it actually works, but when I look in my...
  2. windygamer

    V5 Issues - Quest Issues using Fast Way client

    Level 40 BE Warlock in The Hinterlands. Lots of Quests are bugged. One problem seems to be drops of quest items, even with PET on passive or dismissed [dead]. Quest: Heads Up - Killed the guy. No Head Drop - my demon was not spawned. Quest: Faces of Evil - Tiki Masks were already burning when...
  3. windygamer

    V5 Repack with Need 4.3.4 Client - Some Issues with Extreme XP, and elsewhere.

    We got it going!! :cool: Super. Some issues: In looking at a private [my LAN only] server, I'm trying to do an EXTREME server. So I changed a bunch of things in worldserver.conf. These changes have all been made to a trinity 3.3.5a server and all is working fine over there. Almost anyway...
  4. windygamer

    Repacks with Apache? Why?

    I've looked into a few Repacks over the last few weeks. I'm playing a stable version of WotLK and trying to get a Cata server going. All the repacks I've seen include Apache. But there is no content - I mean no web pages - that I can find in the Apache distro. My WotLK server works fine without...
  5. windygamer

    Client Won't Start

    Ok So when the V1 server failed, I tried the one listed here - V2? Or V5 or something. But the problem with that one is that it's missing the vmap.zar...
  6. windygamer

    Client Won't Start

    Ok. That works better. That did download very quickly and I was able to get a connection and log in, and it said success, and then the client stopped. Still on the login screen with a [SUCCESS] box covering up the username / password boxes. But stopped there. Not crashed, but stopped. My...
  7. windygamer

    Client Won't Start

    Progress, sort of... Progress, sort of: For I've tried a few things: With the second line either missing, or pointing to the way it came or pointing to my server. But with the second line in place I now get: "Cannot stream required archive data. Please check...
  8. windygamer

    Client Won't Start

    I'm not brand new to this stuff. I have a WotLK server / client running on different machines. But I'd like to start a Cata system and this one looked like the most complete instructions...