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  1. Krowten

    Count to 1000...

  2. Krowten

    Death's Breach Portal Not working

    Nevermind, you can only teleport one direction, i apoligize for the false claim.
  3. Krowten

    Death's Breach Portal Not working

    The portal in deaths breach doesnt work. it references doodad_noxx_portal_bossroom01
  4. Krowten

    v11 (hottfixed) orgrimmar grunt direction bug

    Yes go to Orgrimmar, talk to any Orgrimmar Grunt, and just ask him to show you where the bank is. It will put the red flag on Garrosh in the middle of Org.
  5. Krowten

    v11 (hottfixed) orgrimmar grunt direction bug

    This still isnt working Exo could you give us an injection to fix this issue. The orgrimmar grunts are still saying that the Orgrimmar bank is where Garrosh is.
  6. Krowten

    Gobject only works once

    Waterfall Control Console GUID 297720 Entry 185501 Zone Zangarmarsh Coilfang Reserve Underwater The control console is the key to opening the waterfall to enter the dungeon. It works once, if you try and walk out of the instance you’ll get stuck. It can be activated via GM commands...
  7. Krowten

    [NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

    If you guys enjoy this repack and are interested in buying the v13 repack, that comes with the NPCbots and other features. Let me know if you want to see the v13 repack hosted, so you can check it out ;)
  8. Krowten

    Krowten networK 4.3.4 VIP13 Server LF PARTNER!

    I have the VIP13 Cata Server hosted, fully functiona! I need a partner that wants to work on this with me. I also have the 3.3.5a core as well. Anyway msg me on Discord: Don_Carlos_Gambino#0462
  9. Krowten

    V13 - Rogue Stealth BUG

    Can we DL 13.1 yet?
  10. Krowten

    Help please to put server online 4.3.4 cata

    Yes I’ve done all of this, I can host my 3.3.5 server no problem, I don’t know what’s up with this repack
  11. Krowten

    Can't get my server set to public

    Who did you end up hosting through?
  12. Krowten

    Help please to put server online 4.3.4 cata

    I’m having the same issue. I can host locally no problem. I can even host other repacks, but not v13 for some reason. I can’t figure it out