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  1. Tasoulios

    v10 Quest: Scourge Tactics

    Location: Icecrown Quest: The quest asks you to free some soldiers trapped in webs. But they don't exist. This is an older issue that existed in v9.1 as well.
  2. Tasoulios

    Status of Argent Tournament?

    I think nothing is working there, is there a known status for the quests and anything that goes there? Thanks.
  3. Tasoulios

    [INCORRECT] V10 Bug: Flight paths appear for no reason

    All areas. When i level up, several flight paths appear in zones that are close to my new level on the map, even though i never actually went there or spoken to the flight masters myself.
  4. Tasoulios

    V10 Bug: Aggro is too short

    Human/Pala Northrend? Probably other areas as well. Enemies don't attack me unless i go very near them, even if they are the same level as me (yellow). But they behave as if they are very low level enemies (only attack when i get too close).
  5. Tasoulios

    V10 Quest: Kickin' Nass and Takin' Manes

    Quest "Kickin' Nass and Takin' Manes" (12630) in Zul' Drak doesn't work. You are supposed to: 1. Make sure you have a companion named Nass. 2. Kill a Troll. 3. Use the boot in your inventory. The third part doesn't work. Using the boot does nothing.
  6. Tasoulios

    V10 Quest: Trolls Is Gone Crazy!

    Quest "Trolls Is Gone Crazy!" (12861) in Zul Drak doesn't work. You are supposed to use the hammers to free the rageclaw NPCs. Instead of freeing them, your character falls on his back every time you use the item.
  7. Tasoulios

    V10 Quest: This Just In: Fire Still Hot!

    Quest This Just In: Fire Still Hot! (12859) in Zul Drak doesn't work properly. It should put out the fires from the huts. Instead, it makes you smaller every time you use it and at one point you also turn upside down. It's pretty weird.
  8. Tasoulios

    Floating sword in Stormwind

    Server Version: 10 VIP Found this oddity (see the minimap for the location, it's at the stairs to the flight path area) :x
  9. Tasoulios

    Bug: Icecrown Exploration can't be completed

    Server Version: 9.1 VIP Problem: When you explore the Sindragosa's Fall area in Icecrown, the text says that you explored it but it doesn't register in the achievements exploration table of Icecrown. As a result, you can't complete all exploration Achievements. This is the only area that...
  10. Tasoulios

    Warnings and errors in the World Server window?

    Is it normal that the world server window has all sorts of red text pointing out errors and warnings while it loads? The server runs and the game can be played but i was curious about this, is it expected that these lines are there?
  11. Tasoulios

    Tool to create custom items/weapons?

    Is there a way to create your own items and save them to the database for 4.3.4? Something like WoW item creator or WoW-V.
  12. Tasoulios

    Stuck in a "etheral" state? (v9.1)

    So i got one quest in Redridge mountains and my character got in a state where everything looks monochrome and also a bit dizzy (like he is drunk). During this state the enemies don't attack me unless i do. But i completed several quests and also abandoned one that was bugged (the one where you...
  13. Tasoulios

    Human starting area bugged in version 9.1?

    For some reason, the NPC who gave the quest to extinguish fires, doesn't give it anymore. This worked in 7 and 8. But not in 9.1. Is this a regression? Edit: Also, a couple of quests give me the "You don't meet the requirements for this quests" and then they get lost. Like the one where i have...
  14. Tasoulios

    Question about VIP repack

    I'm about to pull the trigger and purchase a VIP account so i can have access to the latest fixes. However, i'm only going to get the 1 year, regular VIP for now. My question is, which version of the repack does this provide me? It says 1 version higher than the free one so that must mean...
  15. Tasoulios

    Emucoach v8.0 worldserver spam message

    I'm getting these messages in the worldserver window: test1 test1 test1 test1 test1 test1 test1 test1 test1 ...and repeat. it just spams this for no reason every now and then. Also, when i'm entering GM commands they work but i also get this message: Table 'command' have not existed command...