Search results

  1. TheKillerChicken

    [5.4.8] Quests for all Professions

    I cannot use this as it is giving me a syntax error when trying to execute it. Disregard that, looks like I got it figured out. The SQLs were properly installed, but I cannot learn greater than 75 skill points and cannot learn new professions. Is there something I need to do beforehand?
  2. TheKillerChicken

    [5.4.8] Quests for all Professions

    I am unable to access the sql list. Perhaps my ISP is blocking that specific access as I checked my Pi-Hole, Privoxy, and ZenArmour and they are allowing all of duckdns to pass through. My FireFox says "Unable to connect" when I try to access the link. This is what I get using Chrome...
  3. TheKillerChicken

    Is AC-web dieing?

    Sorry for the necro, but I do use AC-Web also. I do like the new look, but it seems like there is a constant flame-war and there are also mental-degenerates DDoS'ing it randomly. Wasn't CloudFlare supposed to prevent that? I still like EmuCoach more, however.
  4. TheKillerChicken

    [Quest] Too many broken quests to list

    Yea, that is what I was afraid of, but still, the playerbots are pretty fun. I just do not understand why TrinityCore slapped together an incomplete emulator before it made it to EMUCoach dev team.
  5. TheKillerChicken

    [Quest] Too many broken quests to list

    It is impossible to get the loremaster achievement(s) as most of the quests do not even work or are missing. I understand the limited developers and so this does not bug me as I am having way too much fun with the playerbots in PvP and instances. But I do hope that the quests will get fixed at...
  6. TheKillerChicken

    Loot problem

    It is an aoe loot now, I made the same mistake when MoP launched and I was getting batty because I could not loot the other corpses, then I read the release notes and saw that feature.
  7. TheKillerChicken

    Why do people hate Cataclysm?

    I loved Cataclysm. I started playing when Wrath was being launched, and I loved Wrath also.
  8. TheKillerChicken

    Emucoach presents: New custom forum theme!

    I love the new theme. It is actually easier for me to read dark text on it now as I am partially colourblind.
  9. TheKillerChicken

    Updated Mists of Pandaria Repack | Innovative Playerbots system | 2021/2022 | Emucoach

    How will this repack work with a lot of bots with 32 logical cores @ 3.3GHz and 48GB RAM/128GB RAMDRIVE swap memory? I have 4x 558GB SAS 15,000 RPM HDDs in a RAID-0, if that also will be still sufficient to what I can see with the bots. I remember Mangos had CPU/memory/hard drives issues with 1k...
  10. TheKillerChicken

    (2021/2022 UPDATED) Mists of Pandaria Blizzlike Repack (v.1) | Emucoach Christmas/New Year Edition

    Will this repack be able to run off a SandyBridge-E Xeon setup? It is a rather old server (2012). Why I ask is because my server is having performance issues with Team Fortress 2 dedicated these days.
  11. TheKillerChicken

    [NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun

    Is this still getting updates? I have the Legion server from AC-Web, but I am wondering if this one is any better. I see it uses TrintyCore, as opposed to the AshmaneCore version I have.
  12. TheKillerChicken

    New Forum Software/Design

    I like the new layout as it is easy to navigate, unlike the previous design. it is also faster at loading.
  13. TheKillerChicken

    Count for kills do not show

    I don't know if this is a bug or an issue with the TrinityCore itself, but no kills show up in the statistics. I do not know if this will effect the guild leveling or not.