Search results

  1. Hypnos

    Repacks FREE [Shadowland 9.0.2][ BFA 8.3.7] [Legion 7.3.5] -- [Project Covenant]

    Well,it's ok.If you want to know any determined detail you can ask it here :).
  2. Hypnos

    Repacks FREE [Shadowland 9.0.2][ BFA 8.3.7] [Legion 7.3.5] -- [Project Covenant]

    I just gave you the details,what more you want there?All subjects with repacks are the same way.If you want more details,you can join us in discord and you have the free repacks for testing things.
  3. Hypnos

    Repacks FREE [Shadowland 9.0.2][ BFA 8.3.7] [Legion 7.3.5] -- [Project Covenant]

    Here you go. Legion: Instances & dungeons & bosses Legion Antorus The Burning Throne Black Rook Hold Dungeon Cathedral of Eternal Night Court of Stars Dark Heart Thicket Eye of Azshara Halls of Valor Maw of Souls Micro Holidays Neltharions Lair Return To Karazhan The Arcway The Emerald...
  4. Hypnos

    Repacks FREE [Shadowland 9.0.2][ BFA 8.3.7] [Legion 7.3.5] -- [Project Covenant]

    Covenant Repacks Project How to use: Legion Repack Install the client version or use the minimal client included Install the repack Run Start_MySQL.bat Run bnetserver.exe Run worlserver.exe Run Covenant_Minimal_Client_7.3.5/Covenant_64.exe Default account: BOT1@TEST pass: test...
  5. Hypnos

    Legion Repack

    Content working: Instances & dungeons & bosses Legion Antorus The Burning Throne Black Rook Hold Dungeon Cathedral of Eternal Night Court of Stars Dark Heart Thicket Eye of Azshara Halls of Valor Maw of Souls Micro Holidays Neltharions Lair Return To Karazhan The Arcway The Emerald Nightmare...
  6. Hypnos

    BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits

    There are people who payed 250$ to BFAcore like you and they dont sux his balls all time,grow up.You havent tested our project so you dont know about it.You wanted the donator repack free for 1 month and i told you that it isnt possible so you got mad and you are talking bullshit coz it. Some...
  7. Hypnos

    BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits

    Well I would like that you post the full conversation so,withouth edit it,I havent anything to hide. I didnt take anything in newcorners,I taked care about toxicity in the discord channel.If you and your friend want to create drama and disrespect someone,you can join others discords. And what...
  8. Hypnos

    BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits

    You and your friend werent friendly since start. You have custioned since minute 0 this repack even withouth you know something about it (in this forum and in discord). I told you everything that you need to know. You have freerepack for checking the basic content + changelog for knowing every...
  9. Hypnos

    BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits

    Well,the only way to know it is checking it yourself.It isnt need to believe or not believe,prooves are there.
  10. Hypnos

    BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits

    Added Repack Launcher v.3 with new options to Create/Apply Account backups to the repack. Join us in discord if you want to know the daily updates and join us in the no free repack. LatinCore | BfA 8.3.7 Core
  11. Hypnos

    BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits

    Free repack Black Empire BFA is back,join us in discord to get it:
  12. Hypnos

    BFA 8.3.7 Black Empire Servers Free Repack without limits

    -- BFA dungeons full working -- Zone Kultiras -- ShrineOfTheStorm --> Completed -- TolDagor --> Completed -- FreeHold --> Completed -- WaycrestManor --> Completed -- Siegeofboralus --> Completed -- Zone Zandalar -- Atal'Dazar --> Completed --...
  13. Hypnos

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    I'm Hypnos,I was admin of Black Empire too,I worked a lot of in that proyect... I knew everything there,except thordekk is participating in this shit. Thanks you for the information,I know now that I haven't to work with you in other proyect in the future.
  14. Hypnos

    [Release] BfaCore Repack

    Really sad,you steal the work of Black Empire server to sell it when you have only done 4 fixes there,literally... This is Black Empire core,It isn't your proyect.