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  1. xaryon

    Vote system in the following website

    Hello again, We're bugtracking emucoach and we're using this website for registration - I'm tired of typing manually every single account for every single guy who works with me :) I was wondering about voting system - how does it work and how can one...
  2. xaryon

    Some questions from BTS crew

    Hello, I hear more and more about new version of emucoach repack and me and the rest of my crew is really fired up about it. We were wondering about something - because there are some major bugs in the repack atm, it's kinda pointless to make it public - people would just join, play a while and...
  3. xaryon

    Content after content

    Hello everyone, first of all, thanks for this awesome repack, it's the best I could use :) I'd like to ask about something and I was hoping for extensive answers. Currently me and my friends are gathering as much information about bugs, things that aren't working at all or aren't working...
  4. xaryon

    Bug reports from Burning Troll Studios

    Hello, I'm an owner and founder of YT channel and livestreams Burning Troll Studios. Currently I gathered some friends and we're gathering information about what's working and what's not, and what is partially working aswell. To avoid creating trash can out of Bug Reports section, I'll keep...
  5. xaryon

    Balance druid T12 2set bonus bug

    Hello, I'd like to report a problem with b. druid's 2set bonus: It spawns Burning Treants, just as it should, they attack and do the right amount of damage, but what is wrong is that they explode at the end of their duration, causing 2-4M dmg to friendly and...
  6. xaryon

    htdocs folder is empty

    Hello, I downloaded Coach repack, it's really nice so far, but I don't have a register page mentioned in "README regarding the Server" txt file. Thus, I have to manually make account for everyone who want to play. Can someone provide me with some sort of website or at least registration page?