Search results

  1. V

    v10(1) Floating Swords in Silvermoon City

    Location: Silvermoon City/Horde PC: Blood Elf Mage/Horde Floating Sword #1: There is a floating sword next to a mailbox in the Farstrider's Square, just to the left as one would leave The Royal Exchange and walk through the arch to the Farstrider's Square. Floating Sword #2: Floating sword...
  2. V

    V10(1) Quest: Escape from the Catacombs

    Location: Ghostlands, Amani Catacombs/Horde NPC 16295 Ranger Lilatha <Farstriders>, Quest: Escape from the Catacombs PC: Blood Elf Mage/Horde Issue: After accepting the quest, the Ranger...
  3. V

    V10(1) Blood Elf gets treated as though a Death Knight in Orgrimmar

    Location: Orgrimmar/Horde Character: Blood Elf Mage/Horde Issue: Guards throw spit, rotten, apples, and bananas at Blood Elf Mage/Horde who is exalted with Orgrimmar and horde faction. The NPC guards/grunts shout, "How dare you step foot in this city." Basically, the character is treated as...
  4. V

    V10 Orgrimmar, duplicate named NPCs

    Location: Orgrimmar, Valley of Honor/Horde Character: Blood Elf Paladin/Horde Issues: There are duplicate NPCs in Hunter's Hall: Ogunaro Wolfrunner <Kennel Master> Ormak Grimshot <Hunter Trainer>
  5. V

    V10 Nerrist <Trade Goods> missing Virtuoso Inking Kit

    Location: Northern Stranglethorn, Grom'gol Base Camp/Horde Character: Blood Elf Paladin/Horde Issue: NPC 1146 Nerrist <Trade Goods>, 39.2,51.0 missing Virtuoso Inking Kit
  6. V

    V10 Missing NPCs in Orgrimmar, Cleft of Shadow

    Location: Ogrimmar, Cleft of Shadow/Horde Character: Blood Elf Paladin/Horde Here is a list of missing NPCs in the Cleft of Shadow: .npc 3335 Hagrus <Reagents> Storefront sign: Shadowdeep Reagents .npc 3330 Muraga <Staff Merchant>...
  7. V

    V10 Quest A Staggering Effort - Not Working

    Location: Orgrimmar, Valley of Wisdom/Horde Character: Blood Elf Paladin/Horde Issue: Followed the instructions in the quest to kill a stag north of Orgrimmar and use item 58949 Stag Eye on Fishing Pole, to attempt to fish up a Sandy Carp in the prescibed area in Orgrimmar, Valley of Wisdom; no...
  8. V

    V10 Missing vehicle next to npc Frizzo Villamar <Bilgewater Cartel Quartermaster>

    V10 Missing vehicle next to npc Frizzo Villamar <Bilgewater Cartel Quartermaster> Location: Orgrimmar, near Doras <Wind Rider Master>/Horde Character: Blood Elf Paladin/Horde Issue: Goblin Vehicle missing next to NPC 50323 Frizzo Villamar <Bilgewater Cartel Quartermaster>...
  9. V

    V10 Unusual server lag leveling in PVE

    Location: Blood Elf Zones (Sunstrider Isle through Ghostlands), probably other zone too./Horde Characters: Blood Elves Mage, Warlock, Priest, Paladin, Warrior, and Rogue. Have not tested with Deathknight. Issue: While in PVE and attaining new level in PVE with mobs, unexpected lag from server...
  10. V

    V10 Battle Standard of Coordination

    Location: Silvermoon City/Silvermoon Registry/Horde Character: Blood Elf Paladin/Horde Issue: Purchased Battle Standard of Coordination from npc Larissia <Guild Vendor>, 78.2,84.8. Using Battle Standard of Coordination does not show the correct guild crest...
  11. V

    V10 Rathis Tomber missing Virtuoso Inking Set

    Location: Ghostlands/Tranquilien/Horde Character: Blood Elf Paladin/Horde NPC: 16224 Rathis Tomber, 47.2,28.6 Issue: Missing item 39505 Virtuoso Inking Set
  12. V

    V10 Guild Bank Vault Access Issue Logout/Login after server shut down/restart

    Observed In Silvermoon City and Undercity/Horde Characters affected observed: Blood Elves, all classes, in Guild who are set to Officer (possibly other ranks), possibly other characters. Issue: After characters receive rank of Officer from Guild Master and successfully open and access to all...
  13. V

    V10 Forsaken Trade vendors missing Virtuoso Inking Set from Inventory

    Location: Tirisfal Glades, Brill, Inn/Horde NPC: Abigail Shiel <Trade Supplies>, npc 2118, 61.0,51.0 Character: Blood Elf Hunter/Horde and Blood Elf Paladin/Horde Issue: Missing item 39505, Virtuoso Inking Set from inventory. Needed for characters wanting to be scribes...
  14. V

    V10 Blood Elf Tradesmen missing Virtuoso Inking Set from Inventory

    Location: Falconwing Square/Horde NPC: Landraelanis <Tradesman>, npc 16262 Character: All Issue: Missing item 39505, Virtuoso Inking Set from inventory. Needed for characters wanting to be scribes. Location: Silvermoon City/Horde NPC: Parnis...
  15. V

    V10 Missing trainers in Tranquilien Inn

    Location: Ghostlands, Tranquilien Inn/Horde Character: Blood Elf Paladin/Horde Issue: The Tranquilien Inn is missing trainers. These trainers would normally in an arc to the right and left as one would enter into the Inn. There should be trainers right and left of npc 16542 Innkeeper Kalarin...
  16. V

    v10 Silvermoon City, Enchantress Fira <Arcane Reforger>

    Location: Silvermoon City, Court of the Sun Faction: Horde Character: Male Blood Elf Mage/Horde Issue: Enchantress Fira <Arcane Reforger> only greets characters does not offer reforging.
  17. V

    v10 Missing certain critters in Eversong Woods

    Location: Eversong Woods, Zone Faction: Horde Character: Male Blood Elf Mage/Horde Issue: Missing frogs near bodies of water and rabbits in the Eversong woods and Silvermoon City.
  18. V

    V10 Satheil repeatedly gives quest

    Location: Eversong Woods, Fairbreeze Village, Inn Faction: Horde Character/Faction: Male Blood Elf Mage/Horde Problem: NPC Sathiel <Trade Supplies> repeatedly hands out same quest, "Goods from Silvermoon City" even though character completed the quest. This has been a persistent bug since v8...
  19. V

    v10 Silvermoon Inscription Trainer and Vendor Faction

    Location: Silvermoon City, Court of the Sun Faction: Horde Character: Blood Elf Mage Issue: Zantasia <Inscription Trainer> Lelorian <Inscription Supplies> Both vendors are friendly but don't represent a faction; both NPCs need their faction set to Silvermoon City.
  20. V

    V10 Odd behavior of innkeeper(s) when binding hearthstone

    Location: Eversong Woods, Falconwing Square Horde, Blood Elf 1-10 zone Character: Blood Elf Mage NPC: Innkeeper Delaniel <Innkeeper> Issue: When setting home location to Falconwing Square, I see the character casting the binding to set the hearthstone rather than the innkeeper. The innkeeper...