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  1. L

    Looking for a repack!

    idk how, i thought you could enter if you pick the link D: if not, add me lwol#6449 to discord i think i can invite you throught discord :)
  2. L

    Looking for a repack!

    Hi!, exists a repack LK 3.3.5 that is Amazing, with NpcBots working crazy good And exists a repack Legion that is Amazing too, not have Bots, but it is working crazy good all class , very recomended...
  3. L

    AzerothCore 3.3.5_npcbots_Transmog_Ahbot_Solocraft Repack

    Thanks for the repack <3 I gonna try it and im sure i will enjoy a lot :)
  4. L

    [AzerothCore] Phoenix's Single Player Project - Wrath of the Lich King

    I cannot see the download link for repack in the Trial Control Pannel, could you help me please? Sorry, i never used this programm, ah i saw it , is in Core section xD Hmm i dont understand very well the programm, it not goes on, maybe i´m doing something wrong
  5. L

    [AzerothCore] Phoenix's Single Player Project - Wrath of the Lich King

    Thanks a lot, it seems very very awesome i wanna try it <3 , but how i can get the repack in the Trion Control Panel?
  6. L

    (2021/2022 UPDATED) Mists of Pandaria Blizzlike Repack (v.1) | Emucoach Christmas/New Year Edition

    Woooah seems nice repack i want test it!!! thanks you for share it =D.