Search results

  1. Jivani19

    Model HD Character + NPC and more For Cata 4.3.4 (15595) Coming soon.

    I have already encountered what you just described, it is a custom job that covers the bones of the undead models. I haven't implemented it for Cataclysm yet, maybe soon. ;)
  2. Jivani19

    New Weapon Azzinoth War Glaive Skin For Cataclysm 4.3.4

    Dear Emucoach Community, I present you new weapon skins for the Azzinoth War Glaives, I hope you will like them. Intallation: 1 Copy the DBC files to your Data server. 2 Run SQL on your database via Navicat or other software at your disposal. 3 Copy the "World Of Warcrat" folder to...
  3. Jivani19

    Model HD Character + NPC and more For Cata 4.3.4 (15595) Coming soon.

    What do you mean by that, everything is done, it just lacks the NPCs to correct but the character models are all done, there would be a problem with your installation, in this case can you put a screen that we can see or detailed your procedure to find where your error comes from...
  4. Jivani19

    PNJ and HD Models for Cataclysm 4.3.4 under DirectX9 VIP GOLD

    :giggle: 😁:coffee: gracias!
  5. Jivani19

    Character and NPC Models HD For Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) VIP GOLD

    Hello I was working on a patch under DirectX9, here is the link :giggle:
  6. Jivani19

    PNJ and HD Models for Cataclysm 4.3.4 under DirectX9 VIP GOLD

    Dear Emucoach community, I would like to present you an update of the PNJ version and HD models under directX9, this is not a 100% correction but just a scaling for the community that requests it . Contained: - Dark color correction - In-game color enhancement Please use the files...
  7. Jivani19

    Character and NPC Models HD For Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) VIP GOLD

    excuse me but for the old versions it is not difficult because I contributed to it and that it is easier to do it than the 4.3.4, what I mean is that before publishing my project in retouching them must be asked, moreover put the file in the name of "UI_MainMenu_Pandaria" it is only me who did...
  8. Jivani19

    Character and NPC Models HD For Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) VIP GOLD

    it speaks to you: it speaks to you, as if by chance they are the same. the tree and the build path of the MPQ files look like mine. My build signature is there too. Note that when I do...
  9. Jivani19

    Character and NPC Models HD For Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) VIP GOLD

    Just if you touch up my work and then repost it, at least let me know where you got it from, thank you.
  10. Jivani19

    Character and NPC Models HD For Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) VIP GOLD

    I'm sorry, but I share my work first and foremost for Emucoach, which then does it for the whole community, for the models I do not encounter any bug at the level of human or dwarf hair, you can look at my work in detail what remains to do are just the NPCs, plus it's just part of my job, I...
  11. Jivani19

    Character and NPC Models HD For Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) VIP GOLD

    Hello, I would like to know how did you go about implementing the patch in your game, don't try to mix everything up, install your HD model patch first and then the login screen second, then you will need rename your login screen patch by adding +1 at the end, ex: ...... 1595.mpq => ...
  12. Jivani19

    Druide Model HD for Cata 4.3.4 sorry :coffee:
  13. Jivani19

    Work in progress, My Project, Item for Cataclysm from MOP to SL

    Customization of character creation, with SET MOPs and SL 9.1 weapon DK WAR
  14. Jivani19

    Editing login screen from Classic for Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595)

    You will find the updated login screen UPDATE LOGIN SCREEN
  15. Jivani19

    Model HD Character + NPC and more For Cata 4.3.4 (15595) Coming soon.

    Gracias mi amigo =) ty so very much (y)
  16. Jivani19

    Model HD Character + NPC and more For Cata 4.3.4 (15595) Coming soon.

    Excuse me for what you ask me, I think I have done my best, I would like in return that nothing is required of my work, it is not a question of encryption or anything but of a personalized path when of creating the body of the MPQ file, as it is not an official creation you may not have the same...