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  1. M

    [Trinity] Vendors for 5.4.2/5.4.8 MoP

    Links Are Dead Does Anyone Have a Copy Of this To Re Upload Please ?
  2. M

    [Other] englich zu deutsch

    Hallo an alle, ich bin seit einiger Zeit dabei MOP auf deutsch zu übersetzen. Wird nicht mehr lange dauern, dann werde ich euch die SQL Skripts zur verfügung stellen. Aktuel habe ich die quest_template --> locales_quest und NPC_text --> locales_text schon von englisch auf deutsch übersetzt. Der...
  3. M

    Licence Key please reset.

    I installed the WOW 5.8.4 server on a virtual machine, but today the virtual drive with the files on it broke. I would be thankful, if i was to get reset license key, to activate it again on a new virtual computer. Regards, Michael
  4. M

    Hello, I installed the WOW 5.8.4 server on a virtual machine, but today the virtual drive with...

    Hello, I installed the WOW 5.8.4 server on a virtual machine, but today the virtual drive with the files on it broke. I would be thankful, if i was to get reset license key, to activate it again on a new virtual computer. Regards Michael
  5. M

    Hello, I installed the WOW 5.8.4 server on a virtual machine, but today the virtual drive with...

    Hello, I installed the WOW 5.8.4 server on a virtual machine, but today the virtual drive with the files on it broke. I would be thankful, if i was to get reset license key, to activate it again on a new virtual computer. Regards Michael