Search results

  1. cliffsmits

    How to create custom items on MOP 5.1.0

    Step 1: Start your mysql.bat file Step 2: Open up your database editor (mine is Navicat). Step 3: Open world database. Step 4: Open up item_template, then go to the last page. Step 5: Find the item you want to make, I want to make a shield, so i copy wasteland shield. IMPORTANT...
  2. cliffsmits

    [Trinity 3.3.5a] How to Change Player Start Zone

    Hello Everybody, The first thing that we need to do Login into world of warcraft and make sure youre have a admin account. Type .gps 2. Now we need to open our heidisql or navicate and search Playercreateinfo in the world database. 3. in those tables you can change the map, zone...
  3. cliffsmits

    [6.0.3] Warlords Of Draenor Client

    I am sharing with the forum the Patch Warlords Of Draenor, who want to make their test using the new source of TrinityCore. WOD Client dbc (enUS, esMX, ptBR)!jgB3SI5A!IYIik8bBwutWC1_QIFqkOIcJYqEOE73h-h32bwVMv2c Download here Wodcore repack this is included with...
  4. cliffsmits

    Justicarwow Repack + Source

    Hello i am the co-owner of JusticarWoW/Endlesswow . i decide to release the repack Based on unforgivenwow what we have revamped/modded it allot. Hopefully you guys love this release. Spells and talents are working: Death Knight most spells and talents are working. Druid most spells and...
  5. cliffsmits

    Adding a haste/parry/dodge/block cap to your core 3.3.5 trinitycore

    How to make a cap on the haste percentage ( spell haste ofc ) : 1. Open up Object.h 2. go to line 28. 3. You'll see : #include "Map.h" replace it with: #include "Map.h" #include "Unit.h" 4. then go to line 212. 5. You'll see : void ApplyPercentModFloatValue(uint16 index, float val, bool...
  6. cliffsmits

    Reduce Respawn time creature/npc

    or with this one
  7. cliffsmits

    Fcms installer Free version

    FusionCMS v6.1.7 Since the team have been stopped with fcms version 6 i decided to release the free version / installer. Cant wait till Fusion cms 7. Some free modules For fcms / themes Here Fcms installer Download here
  8. cliffsmits

    Rate website redesign justicarwow

    what do you guys think about this redesign ?
  9. cliffsmits

    Awsome morph ids wotlk

    WARNING *** All models are wotlk (wrath of the lich king) models *** let's start .morph 24001(meat) .morph 24009 (Air Mount) .morph 24015(BIG GIANT WHAT) .morph 24022 (Tauren Warrior with a neat helm .morph 24025 (Frozen Mage ) .morph 24028-24036 (Goblins with armor) .morph 24037 (Warlock...
  10. cliffsmits

    Wierd wolrd.exe issue

    i have a compiled server and evreything works smooth without any issue. now i have changed some names in the teleporter in c++ and some text files and i have recompiled the core again, when i try to login for the first time when the world.exe is replaced evreything works fine when you log...
  11. cliffsmits

    for the people that have trouble with Boost cmake

    this is for the people that have trouble with Boost cmake How to install and setup Boost Hello, in this tutorial we will be going through the installation and setup process of the Boost library. Links Download the binaries though. Boost 32bit 1.56.0 exe Download MAKE SURE CMake is closed...
  12. cliffsmits

    Compile Latest TrinityCore 3.3.5a on Windows

    Programs You Need: Visual Studio 2013 Cmake Git Extensions OpenSSL MySQL Server 5.5.9 NET Framework 3.5 or higher (you should already have this installed over Windows Update) HeidiSQL Boost (64bit download) (32bit download) Getting the Server Source Before you can compile the core, you need...
  13. cliffsmits

    Rate endlesswow

    Hey guys, we're started a private server and edited alot on the server, but aswel on the website. Now we are official done, but sure there will be some improvements. I wanted to know what u guys think of the new website of EndlessWoW and what should be improved. I used the WoWAlla theme, and im...
  14. cliffsmits

    Sql updates at once

    hello people of emucoach also tired to do database updates one by one ?. i have the solution for you that will make 1 big update for all sql files in the same folder. go to the folder example \Core Source\sql\updates\world\ open up notepad and enter this command into it copy *.sql updates.sql...
  15. cliffsmits

    Release Warcry cms

    Hello guys i have the Warcry cms and Database on my computer i decided to release it to the Emucoach Community . hope you guys like this release . cause what i know so far is there are allot of people try to sell this cms and they dont even have the rights for it. Enjoy ! Warcry Database...
  16. cliffsmits

    How to add Custom Items to 4.0.6!!

    First, make sure you are defiantly on a 4.0.6 core and db and then open up MySQL and then HeidiSQL and goto the table Items (or Item_template) and then add a row into the table. Then, goto and find a unused item ID of your choice to begin using. Use the Entry ID...
  17. cliffsmits


    First off... you'll need this DBC Editor. Extract to anywhere on your PC, and run it. (Don't worry, its quite safe.) Next, once it's running, go to Open and open up the AreaTable.dbc You'll notice a whole bunch of fields with digits and stuff all over the place. I suggest sorting the columns...
  18. cliffsmits

    JusticarWoW Custom, 255 |Funrealm 3.3.5a

    Delete this thead SVP working on a whole new project
  19. cliffsmits

    request Banner new world of warcraft server project

    Hello people of emucoach i would like to have a banner if it is posible for a wow server / project i am currently working on First banner Size 170 x 400 Annimated if possible text 1 = Endless wow text 2 = 2 Realms patch 3.3.5 text 3 = Motivated and professional staff text 4 = Join us now!
  20. cliffsmits

    GuildCraft Theme Fcms Release

    this is the Guildcraft Fcms Theme i decided to release it i dont use it anymore credits to the original makers of the theme Download here