I wasn't going drastic even. from 85 to 95. I even tried adding experience to level records in the DB up to 95. But still the same result. I changed the max level in many other repacks, "yours included", and it was fine. This repack refuses to allow level increase at all in the world.conf file...
Major Glitched quest in the Deathknight starter area.
The Deathknight area requires GM cheats, or massive footwork to complete
currently 1 quest only. First off, when you take a flight to the ground? Use
only the mount to your left when facing out every time you need to return to
A way to have & use every single profession on 1 character without glitches, or fail.
First off. I cannot write code. I cannot create a database. So I cannot explain this in a techy-garble fashion for you. Basically... I am dumb as a box of rocks! lol :p I am however an excellent shadetree...